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Отстъпки и намаления на Слънчеви очила за дами Сива цветове над 20%

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  • Suretti SB-S15158 Спортни слънчеви очила, тъмносиво,сиво, размер
    Спортните слънчеви очила Suretti са подходящи за най-различни спортове. Те защитават очите от вредните слънчеви лъчи. Създадени са от качествена пластмаса и са с AC със сребърен огледален ефект. Сивото затъмнение на стъклата намалява възможността от заслепяване от ярка светлина. Разбира се, очилата разполагат с красив и интересен дизайн.
  • CHPO Tofino
    CHPO е марка часовници и слънчеви очила, основана в Швеция през 2013 г., вдъхновена от скейтборд, музика и изкуство. Ние сме създадени за навсякъде, което означава, че искаме да предложим страхотен външен вид, страхотно качество и страхотни социални ценности на цени, които всеки може да си позволи. Това също означава, че ние като марка заемаме силна социална позиция за равноправно общество без расизъм, хомофобия и омраза срещу жените. Като част от Made for Everywhere, ние правим сътрудничество всеки сезон с различни организации с нестопанска цел или благотворителни организации, където 100% от печалбите се даряват за тяхната кауза. Ако мразите хомосексуалисти, хора с различен цвят или жени, моля, направете тази услуга за нас. Не купувайте нашата екипировка. Пази се!
  • CHPO Padang grey
    Sku - 16131OA Подходящ - среден Цвят на обектива - Сребърно огледало Размери - 52 мм / 17 мм / 135 мм Цвят на рамката - сив Предназначение - За слънчеви дни и махмурлук следобед. Защита - UV400. Материал - пластмаса
  • Uvex Слънчеви очила Sportstyle 706 CV S5320185596 Сив
    Материал/-висококачествен изкуствен материал
  • Oakley HOLBROOK WOODGRAIN Слънчеви очила, тъмносиво, размер os
    Слънчеви очила Oakley HOLBROOK WOODGRAIN. Олекотените им рамки O Matter™имат визуална текстура на дървесни влакна, органичен стил и техните лещи са Prizm™ Daily Polarized, които предлагат топли матови цветове за по-приятно изживяване.
  • CHPO Ian
    Манчестър роялти! Иън Браун. Този стил има златна рамка и зелена леща. Sku - 16132DD Подходящ - среден Цвят на обектива - черен Размери - 45 мм / 17 мм / 130 мм Цвят на рамката - Gunmetal Предназначение - За слънчеви дни и махмурлук следобед. Защита - UV400. Материал - неръждаема стомана
  • UVEX Sportstyle 236 Set Rhino Deep Space Mat/Blue Mirrored
    Това е автоматичен превод, генериран от софтуер:100% стил и топ производителност Технологията и производителността преминават на следващото ниво: моделът uvex sportstyle 236 set впечатлява с пълното си покритие и иновативна система от сменяеми лещи, включваща чист филтър за смяна. Прогресивният огромен щит съчетава безопасност с комфорт и е идеалният спътник за всички онези, които търсят само най-доброто. Най-накрая щит, който може всичко! Не само изключително готиният външен вид прави супер лекия комплект uvex sportstyle 236 толкова вдъхновяващ, но и неговата гъвкавост, безопасност и върхова производителност. Благодарение на покритието uvex supravision®, лещата остава постоянно незамъглена и може да бъде сменена, когато е необходимо. Една особено умна функция е бутонът на вътрешната рамка, който отключва върховете на храмовете, рамката и лещата, за да направи поставянето на резервен филтър изключително лесно. Спортните ентусиасти могат сами да решат дали да изберат огледален или прозрачен обектив според ситуацията и личните си предпочитания. Която и леща да бъде избрана, всички те осигуряват 100 процента защита срещу вредните ултравиолетови лъчи и, благодарение на лесната за почистване влагоотблъскваща повърхност, изискват изключително ниска поддръжка. Освен регулируемите подложки за нос и върховете на слепоочията, многото практични функции включват и разтегателни слушалки. Трите предварително зададени дължини правят комплекта uvex sportstyle 236 още по-гъвкав, като същевременно осигуряват перфектно прилягане и максимален комфорт за носещия. Технологии: UV защита: UV-абсорбиращите филтри, вградени директно в суровината, предпазват ретината 100% от вредните UV лъчи. Всички лещи осигуряват 100% UVA, UVB и UVC защита. Това е и основата на името на компанията: uv-ex = ултравиолетово е изключено. Вид дейност: Multisport Вид дейност: Bike Възрастова група: Възрастен Цвят на рамката: Cив Цвят на рамката: Черeн Цвят на рамката (според производителя): Rhino Deep Space Mat Цвят стъкла: Син Цвят стъкла (според производителя): Mirror Blue Страна на произход: Германия Форма на рамката: Правоъгълни Тип на рамката: Половин рамка Ширина на рамката: 150 mm Пол: Мъжки Пол: Жените Тип на обектива: S0 Тип на обектива: S3 Височина на лещата: 58 mm Ширина на лещата: 135 mm Поляризирани: не Сезон: 2022 Технология: Supravision Технология: Break Resistant Технология: Mirror Технология: Direct Lens Ventilation Технология: Interchangeable Lenses Технология: Extra Lens Дължина на рамката: 122 mm Bариант: Rhino Deep Space Mat/Blue Mirrored Цвят: Cив Цвят: Черeн : Rhino Deep Space Mat/Blue Mirrored
  • CHPO Liam Gold
    Една от най -добрите рок звезди в света. Лиъм Галахър. Предлага се със златна рамка и зелена леща. Sku - 16132AD Подходящ - малък / среден Цвят на обектива - зелено огледало Размери - 47 мм / 18 мм / 130 мм Цвят на рамката - златен Предназначение - За слънчеви дни и махмурлук следобед. Защита - UV400. Материал - неръждаема стомана
  • Alpina Sports YEFE Слънчеви очила, тъмносиво, размер os
    Спортни и модерни очила Alpina sports YEFE. Рамките на очилата предлагат възможност за промяна на лещите( за диоптрични).
  • Oakley FLIGHT PATH Скиорски очила, сиво, размер os
    При спускане на ски пистата със скорост около 70 mph с очилата FLIGHT PATH ще можеш да видиш всичко по пътя си , благодарение на тяхната подобрена видимост. Очилата са разработени съвместно с норвежкият шампион от Супергигантският слалом Алексадър Килдем и са част от колекцията на марката Oakley, която отговаря на най-високите стандарти за използване при всякакви писти. Размера L прави зрителното поле по-голямо под всички ъгли (до 19% в сравнение с модела Canopy) и в допълнение, новият дизайн при свързването на лещата и рамката Ridgelock EV също води до по-голяма видимост нагоре, позволявайки безпрепятствено пространство за гледане в агресивна ски позиция.
  • Chrome Industries Cycling Gloves
    Точно като всичко, което правят в Chrome, те изградиха ръкавици за колоездене, за да бъдат здрави, стилни и функционални. Лека мрежеста горна част за вентилация, отразяващо лого на Chrome и регулируема каишка на китката, удобна подплата на дланта и палеца за кормилото и някои удобни за сензорен екран върхове на пръстите. Това е Силата на ръкавицата. Чувствителни на сензорен екран върхове на пръстите Дишаща горна част от еластична мрежа Светлоотразителна регулируема презрамка Възглавничка за длан/палец
  • CHPO McFly silver
    Завръщане в бъдещето! Този стил се предлага със сребърен огледален обектив и прозрачна рамка, изработена от 100% рециклирана пластмаса. Sku - 16131YB Подходящ - среден Цвят на обектива - Сребърно огледало Размери - 49 мм / 15 мм / 135 мм Цвят на рамката - прозрачен Предназначение - За слънчеви дни и махмурлук следобед. Защита - UV400. Материал - 100% рециклирана пластмаса
  • CHPO watch john
    Джон Скуайър. ЕБАВНА ЛЕГЕНДИЯ! Предлага се с метална рамка и черна леща. Sku - 16132WW Подходящ - малък / среден Цвят на обектива - черен Размери - 45 мм / 17 мм / 130 мм Цвят на рамката - Gunmetal Предназначение - За слънчеви дни и махмурлук следобед. Защита - UV400. Материал - неръждаема стомана
  • Детски слънчеви очила Julbo Fame Spectron 3Cf сиво J5091120
    | Rozmiar: OS | Kolor: Сив1 | Taniej o 30% | Zakup na Raty, Gwarancja 24mies. Sportano, profesjonalny sklep sportowy.
  • Oakley Gascan Sunglasses X-Silver
    Oakley Gascan Sunglasses X-Silver можете да намерите във Footshop само за 419 BGN. Марка: Oakley, Цвят: Сиво, Достъпни размери: Universal.
  • Oakley Split Shot Sunglasses X-Silver
    Oakley Split Shot Sunglasses X-Silver можете да намерите във Footshop само за 439 BGN. Марка: Oakley, Цвят: Сиво, Достъпни размери: Universal.
  • CHPO Bruce
    Когато стоите там с новороденото на ръце, името идва естествено. Това беше Брус! Предлага се с черна леща и голяма, сива прозрачна рамка, изработена от 100% рециклирана пластмаса. Sku - 16132HA Пол - Унисекс Fit - Голям Цвят на лещите - Черен Размери - 52мм / 12мм / 145мм Цвят на рамката - Сив Предназначение - За слънчеви дни и махмурлични следобеди. Защита - UV400. Поляризирани. Материал - рециклирана пластмаса
  • CHPO Bodhi Polarized Red / Grey
    Кръстен на Бодхисатва в Point Break. Това е източник! Слънчевите очила Bodhi се доставят с поляризирана, червена огледална леща и сива рамка, изработена от 100% рециклирана пластмаса. Fit - Medium / Large Цвят на лещите - Red Mirror Размери - 47мм / 12мм / 140м м Цвят на рамката - Сив Предназначение - За слънчеви дни и махмурлични следобеди. Защита - UV400. Поляризирани. Материал - рециклирана пластмаса
  • Cébé Слънчеви очила Iron CBS142 Сив
    Материал/-висококачествен изкуствен материал
  • Hugo Слънчеви очила 1404/F/SK Сив
    Материал/-висококачествен изкуствен материал
  • Vogue Слънчеви очила 0VO4199S 323/11 Сив
    Материал/-висококачествен изкуствен материал
  • Sunglasses Kilpi TIMOTE-U Dark blue
    The Kilpi TIMOTE-U sunglasses are suitable for leisure wear or light sports activities. They have a full-frame construction with an interesting glass shape. Slide category 3 is suitable for bright and very bright sunny days. The transmittance of the glass is 8-18%, UV 400. The glasses are not suitable for wearing in dim light or poor visibility. The package includes a sturdy padded case and a soft cloth for cleaning glasses. The weight of the goggles is 35g. Kilpi TIMOTE-U are available in several frame and glass colours. Instructions and Declaration of Conformity available at: www.kilpi.cz/prohlaseni Manufacturer: PONATURE s.r.o., U Hrůbků 251/119, 709 00 Ostrava, Czech republicMaterial composition: 100% polycarbonate, rubber
  • Sunglasses KILPI LECANTO PHOTO-U White
    The Kilpi LECANTO PHOTO-U cycling photochromic sunglasses have a very light construction with a half frame, and stylish large polycarbonate lenses that have the function of self-darkening depending on the intensity of sunlight. Ventilation micro-perforation helps wick away moisture and prevents fogging of the goggles. The shape of the goggles is compatible with the shape of a bicycle helmet. The non-slip silicone temples and nose seat hold well and do not slip. Slide category 3 is suitable for bright and very bright sunny days. The transmittance of the glass is 8-18%, UV 400. The glasses are not suitable for wearing in dim light or poor visibility. The package includes a sturdy padded case and a soft bag for cleaning glasses. The weight of the goggles is 40g. Instructions and Declaration of Conformity available at: www.kilpi.cz/prohlaseni Manufacturer: PONATURE s.r.o., U Hrůbků 251/119, 709 00 Ostrava, Czech republicMaterial composition: 100% polycarbonate, rubber
  • Black Women's Sunglasses Noisy May Lolle - Women
    Model: LolleColor: black Type: solarGlass coloration: blackMaterial: polycarbonate, acrylicWashing and maintenance: wipe with a dry cloth
  • Women's Sunglasses Cat's Eye Black
    This model is a HIT of recent seasons, so it should not be missing even now! You should definitely have them! These glasses are made of plastic. Fashionable cat-eye style cut with slightly raised frame edges. Small lenses were set in wider frames. Manufacturer's information: UV protection, category 3.
  • Cycling sunglasses Kilpi SHADY-U red
    The Kilpi SHADY-U cycling sunglasses have an ultra-light construction with a half frame and solid polycarbonate mirror lenses. The shape of the goggles is compatible with the shape of a bicycle helmet. Ventilation vents improve ventilation and prevent fogging of the windows. The non-slip silicone temples and nose seat do not slip or press. Slide category 3 is suitable for bright and very sunny days. The transmittance of the goggles is 8-18%, UV 400. We do not recommend wearing it in dim light or poor visibility. Weight of the goggles 36g. The package includes a sturdy padded case and a soft cloth for cleaning glasses. We offer several color options to choose from. Instructions and Declaration of Conformity available at: www.kilpi.cz/prohlaseni Manufacturer: PONATURE s.r.o., U Hrůbků 251/119, 709 00 Ostrava, Czech republicMaterial composition: polycarbonate, rubber
  • Sunglasses WOOX Luceo Nero
    A chameleon usually stares with each eye at another chameleon lady who has a similar feeling. Once you've mastered this skill, hide it behind wooxus sunglasses. People have much less understanding of squinting than these lizards.
  • Sports Sunglasses KILPI ZINDY-U Transparent
    The Kilpi ZINDY-U sports unisex sunglasses have a robust, full-frame construction and stylish full-face polycarbonate lenses. The shape of the goggles is compatible with most bicycle helmet shapes. It is also suitable as eye and face protection during winter or water sports. Slide category 3 is suitable for bright and very bright sunny days. The transmittance of the glass is 8-18%, UV 400. The glasses are not suitable for wearing in dim light or poor visibility. The temples with a silicone foot and the flexible silicone nose seat adjust easily and do not slip off the head. Micro-vents improve ventilation and prevent fogging of the windows. The package includes a sturdy padded case and a soft bag for cleaning glasses. The weight of the goggles is 45g. Kilpi ZINDY-U are a choice of rainbow of two frame colors and three types of glass. Instructions and Declaration of Conformity available at: www.kilpi.cz/prohlaseni Manufacturer: PONATURE s.r.o., U Hrůbků 251/119, 709 00 Ostrava, Czech republicMaterial composition: 100% polycarbonate, rubber
  • Sunglasses Kilpi TIMOTE-U Black
    The Kilpi TIMOTE-U sunglasses are suitable for leisure wear or light sports activities. They have a full-frame construction with an interesting glass shape. Slide category 3 is suitable for bright and very bright sunny days. The transmittance of the glass is 8-18%, UV 400. The glasses are not suitable for wearing in dim light or poor visibility. The package includes a sturdy padded case and a soft cloth for cleaning glasses. The weight of the goggles is 35g. Kilpi TIMOTE-U are available in several frame and glass colours. Instructions and Declaration of Conformity available at: www.kilpi.cz/prohlaseni Manufacturer: PONATURE s.r.o., U Hrůbků 251/119, 709 00 Ostrava, Czech republicMaterial composition: 100% polycarbonate, rubber
  • Kilpi Zindy Слънчеви очила Siv
    Zindy Слънчеви очила - Kilpi - Siv. Слънчеви очила
  • 101 Sunglasses UC black/black
    Sunglasses with a striking look for all true sun lovers. The great goggles come with a wide bridge that connects the two glasses in a straight line and a square, wide plastic frame. The powerful look is rounded off by the wide, low-set sides. To ensure proper sun protection for their eyes, their tinted lenses have been equipped with a UV 400 category 3 filter.
  • Sunglasses Retro Funk UC brown leo/grey
    Extravagant sunglasses – in shape and colour. They are characterized by spherical glasses with wide, low and straight temples. The design highlight is the consistent leopard pattern, which perfectly matches the color of the glasses. UV 400 and a category 3 filter offer uncompromising eye protection. Don't be wild.
  • Triangle Floor Display Packet Sunglasses Set
    Free of charge from order quantity of 150 pieces. Please indicate this in the notes box at the end of the order process. Thank you in advance.
  • 103 BLK/Blue chain sunglasses
    These sunglasses have an eye-catching design and a detachable chain! The black side panels perfectly complement the tinted glass. Even better: the glasses are completely frameless. That being said, enjoy the full view, even on hot summer days.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Diving Set Java&Elba Pattern 18
    Description:The JAVA mask is equipped with a single 4mm tempered glass lens enclosed in a modern housing, guaranteeing a wide field of vision. The collar and strap of the mask are made of silicone (Liquid Silicone). In addition, JAVA has an outlet valve mounted in the nose section, which allows water to be conveniently expelled from inside the mask even when the diver is underwater. The JAVA mask has a QuickFIT adjustment system, which allows you to adjust the length of the wide strap comfortably and quickly. The ELBA snorkel has a bottom valve and a second valve, the top valve, which prevents the tube from flooding (ULTRA DRY system). The shape of the ELBA snorkel is curved and its mouthpiece is curved towards the diver's mouth and made of a durable, non-allergenic material. The ELBA snorkel has a wide, slightly elliptical cross-section for comfortable air exchange. The ELBA has a sliding, swivelling attachment for the mask strap.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Full Face Diving Mask Brizo Pattern 07
    Description: The Brizo full face mask for snorkelling is an innovative product that provides an unforgettable experience underwater. Thanks to its unique design, this advanced mask allows breathing through the nose and mouth, making snorkelling more natural and comfortable.
  • Likoma royal sunglasses
    Likoma sunglasses from MSTRDS are rubberized and matte. This combination ensures a stylish look and a high level of wearer comfort. The lenses are dark and have UV400 protection. Choose your favorite color from a wide range of color combinations. To keep your sunglasses preserved, you can put them in a colour-matching case.
  • Sunglasses Milos black/black
    These sunglasses are a further development of the sporty shape of the visor and look extremely casual. The goggles are flanked by a medium-wide plastic frame and a wide nose bridge. The straight, narrow sides are set low, which adds extra style. The distinctive Urban Classics sunglasses are made of polycarbonate and zinc alloy. UV 400 eye protection complements the goggles.
  • Sunglasses Helsinki Black
    Fresh, angular, pert – these three words describe a pleasantly eye-catching pair of sunglasses best. The lenses are tinted to match the frame, giving the sunglasses a harmonious look. Furthermore, the temples inspire with their geometric shape. The UV 400 certified glasses also offer reliable eye protection.
  • Raja sunglasses with strap black/yellow
    As a striking accessory, these yellow-tinted sunglasses present themselves with a continuous dark frame. Pleasing features are a wide nose bridge and a straight top. The sunglasses include a case and a removable strap for wearing around the neck. The case cover is marked with the Urban Classics logo and offers a small drawstring fastening.
  • Слънчеви очила Kilpi LECANTO-U
    <p>Слънчеви очила Kilpi LECANTO-U.<br />- ултра лека конструкция<br />- здрави огледални очила от поликарбонат<br />- унисекс<br /><strong> Материал:</strong> поликарбонатна гума</p>
  • Sunglasses December UC Black
    Beautiful sunglasses for anyone with a sense of fashion. Their frameless tinted lenses are rectangular in shape and have UV 400 sun protection and a category 3 filter. The design is rounded off by extra-fine and thin metal temples that are low set and at the same time elegant bridge.
  • 106 Sunglasses UC Black/Orange
    Sports sunglasses to support your plans. Rectangular glasses fit every eye and nose. The shade was perfectly matched to the color used and the pattern of the plastic frame. Medium-wide temples complete the style with a soothing touch. The goggles have been equipped with a category 3 UV 400 filter.
  • Дамски слънчеви очила VUCH Cassie
    Дамски слънчеви очила ВУЧ Cassie<br />- UV 400 защита<br />- Лого на Vuch отпред на слънчевите очила
  • Sunglasses December UC Gold
    Beautiful sunglasses for anyone with a sense of fashion. Their frameless tinted lenses are rectangular in shape and have UV 400 sun protection and a category 3 filter. The design is rounded off by extra-fine and thin metal temples that are low set and at the same time elegant bridge.
  • Cypress 3-Pack Sunglasses Black+Brown+Blue
    Because you can never have enough of Urban Classics sunglasses with a timeless design, these sunglasses are offered in a three-pack. Three different colour options make everyday styling easier. The circular lenses are housed in a circumferential, transparent frame with a curved topline. The frame is made of robust polycarbonate. The side panels are straight and narrow, and the lenses of the Urban Classics glasses are equipped with UV 400 protection.
  • Sunglasses Retro Funk UC brown leo/green
    Extravagant sunglasses – in shape and colour. They are characterized by spherical glasses with wide, low and straight temples. The design highlight is the consistent leopard pattern, which perfectly matches the color of the glasses. UV 400 and a category 3 filter offer uncompromising eye protection. Don't be wild.
  • Glasses case VUCH Freia
    "Stylish sunglasses that protect your eyes from the sharp rays of the sun also deserve protection. Do you agree? Thanks to the grey-pink Fresia protective case, they will feel pampered."Protective case for glassesOriginal closingPleasant materialDimensions 170 x 80 x 40 mm
  • Sunglasses July UC silver
    Elegant sunglasses with that certain fashion element – the teardrop-shaped glasses fit perfectly into the filigree metal frame, which passes over the nose in one neat movement to form a double bridge. The cool style is rounded off by the soft, straight metal sidewalls. The goggles are tinted and equipped with a UV filter of 400 category 3 sun protection.
  • Sports glasses HUSKY Stave white
    Unisex sports sunglasses with dyed lenses that are suitable for year-round all-round use.
  • Sunglasses Kilpi INGLIS-U pink
    The Kilpi INGLIS-U sunglasses have an ultra-light frameless construction and stylish stained glass that is suitable for running, hiking or cycling, for example. The weight of the goggles is 25g. The non-slip silicone temples and nose seat ensure stability and comfort when worn. Lens category 3, suitable for bright and very sunny days The transmittance of the glasses is 8-18%, UV 400. We do not recommend wearing it in dim light or poor visibility. The package includes a sturdy padded case and a soft cloth for cleaning glasses. We have several color options to choose from. Instructions and Declaration of Conformity available at: www.kilpi.cz/prohlaseni Manufacturer: PONATURE s.r.o., U Hrůbků 251/119, 709 00 Ostrava, Czech republicMaterial composition: polycarbonate, rubber
  • VUCH Grey goggle case
    "The ideal protective case for your sunglasses. A pleasant material that doesn't take up much space in your purse, but protects the glasses 100%."Protective case for glassesOriginal closingDimensions 170 x 80 x 40 mm
  • VUCH Shot Sunglasses
    "Well, this is a good idea! Shot sunglasses have both black and polarizing glasses, making them the blackest glasses on the market. If black is your greatest color daring, then these glasses are for you."Plastic frameOval shapeCAT.3, UV 400Logo Vuch
  • Слънчеви очила VUCH Holly
    <p data-placeholder="Translation" dir="ltr" id="tw-target-text">Подхожда на всичко и подхожда на почти всеки.<br />Те принадлежат към унисекс аксесоари, така че са създадени както за мъже, така и за жени.<br />- Кръгла конструкция CAT.3<br />- UV 400 Logo Vuch<br />- Кройка: унисекс</p>
  • VUCH Mitzi Sunglasses
    "Mandatory equipment for sunny days? Definitely stylish sunglasses with black frames and black lenses. That it seems too ordinary to you? Not in the least! The glasses stand out with the VUCH logo and the inscription on the foot "Step out of the shade."Round designCAT.3, UV 400Logo Vuch
  • Spokey RAMB swimming okuliare, silver
    Bet on a healthy lifestyle and start the change with Spokey products! Water sports are mainly associated with the holiday and summer period, when we spend time by the water or at the swimming pool. Diving allows us to get to know the richness of the underwater world, develops curiosity in children and teaches new abilities. Swimming is a year-round sport that can be practiced outdoors and indoors.Swimming #veSpokeyStyluSwimming is a sport that greatly affects our health and fitness. Due to the fact that it strengthens the muscles around the spine, it is often recommended to people who have been diagnosed with a body defect. It also helps from joint and spine pain.For swimming, it is enough just to buy a swimsuit. However, for your own convenience, we also recommend considering buying a bathing cap that protects the hair from the negative effects of chlorine. Thanks to the glasses, we avoid contact of the eyes with water and we can keep our eyes open even under water.Spokey Ramb swimming goggles were made for recreational swimmers.Combining the latest technology and the best qualityThe glasses were made of high-quality and lightweight polycarbonate with an Anti-Fog layer that protects against fogging. The glass has a UV solar control filter, thanks to which it is possible to use it outdoors in the sun.Thanks to the soft, silicone seal , the glasses adhere maximally to the face, which prevents water from entering the glasses.The glasses are made of durable and user-friendly materials. They come in a case that protects them from scratches during storage and transportation.The glasses have a double silicone strap for optimal tension distribution. Thanks to the convenient and especially easy adjustment of the strap, the glasses can be easily adjusted to the circumference of the head.RECOMMENDATIONThe use of glasses protects sensitive eyes from contact with water and allows observation under water.They are indispensable for people who have contact lenses that must not come into contact with the water in the pool.To ensure a longer shelf life of the product, rinse the glasses after each use under running water.Parameters:Glass: PolycarbonateFilter: UVCoating: Anti-Fog layer (fog protection)silicone sealStrap: double silicone thin strap, length control option
  • Дамски слълнчеви очила VUCH Wanderer
    Дамски слънчеви очила VUCH.<br />- Пластмасова рамка с овална форма<br />- Прозрачен дизайн CAT.3<br />- UV 400 Logo Vuch<br />- Поляризиран
  • Дамски слънчеви очила VUCH Sollary Matt
    <p data-placeholder="Translation" dir="ltr" id="tw-target-text">Слънчеви очила Sollary Matt с дъгови стъкла на VUCH.<br />- Пластмасова рамка<br />- Овална форма Матова рамка КАТ.3<br />- UV 400 Logo Vuch</p>
  • Glasses case VUCH Lars
    "The Lars protective case not only protects, but also looks good. So if you want a stylish sunglasses sleeve that makes sure nothing happens to them, this case is a great choice."Protective case for glassesOriginal closingPleasant materialDimensions 180 x 85 x 10 mm
  • AQUA SPEED Kids's Full Face Diving Mask Spectra 2.0 Kid
    model: AQUA_SPEED_Full_Face_Diving_Mask_Spectra_2.0_Kid_Turquoise, color: 786448
  • 101 Sunglasses UC brown leo/black
    Sunglasses with a striking look for all true sun lovers. The great goggles come with a wide bridge that connects the two glasses in a straight line and a square, wide plastic frame. The powerful look is rounded off by the wide, low-set sides. To ensure proper sun protection for their eyes, their tinted lenses have been equipped with a UV 400 category 3 filter.
  • 106 Sunglasses UC Black/Silver
    Sports sunglasses to support your plans. Rectangular glasses fit every eye and nose. The shade was perfectly matched to the color used and the pattern of the plastic frame. Medium-wide temples complete the style with a soothing touch. The goggles have been equipped with a category 3 UV 400 filter.
  • 108 Sunglasses UC neonyellow/black
    This casual eyepiece model will bring joy and shine to your life. The trendy colour of the plastic frame perfectly matches the dark shade of the rounded glasses. The sunglasses are equipped with UV 400 category 3 sun protection. The straight temples skillfully round off a successful design.
  • Sunglasses Retro Funk UC Black/Green
    Extravagant sunglasses – in shape and colour. They are characterized by spherical glasses with wide, low and straight temples. The design highlight is the consistent leopard pattern, which perfectly matches the color of the glasses. UV 400 and a category 3 filter offer uncompromising eye protection. Don't be wild.
  • Sunglasses Mumbo Mirror UC Silver/Orange
    These aviation-style sunglasses show a very casual attitude. Their slim metal frame and soft, low-hanging sides, as well as a comfortable double bridge, guarantee an authentic look. Of course, you will also benefit from classic teardrop and extra-mirror aviator goggles tinted in perfectly adjusted colors. They also have UV 400 protection (filter category 3). Elegant glasses that perfectly complement your street wearing style.
  • 113 Sunglasses UC grey leo/black
    Don't be a square, they said. Let them spend these fantastic sunglasses with their trendy shape, because they are just the thing! The glasses are not only characterized by an attractive angular shape, but are also tinted. On the dazzling plastic frame of the glasses, the temples have been slightly lowered. The powerful UV 400 filter offers reliable sun protection for the eyes.
  • VUCH Rael goggle case
    "If you ever carry sunglasses in your purse, then you may have had them pulled out scratched. Stop it with Rael's grey protective case with yellow detailing."Protective case for glassesOriginal closingPleasant materialDimensions 180 x 85 x 10 mm
  • Sunglasses October UC Black/Blue
    If you prefer contrasts to uniformity, these sunglasses will fit you well. They have a wide, dark plastic frame and fine straight metal temples. The rounded glass used is tinted in colour. In addition, they offer you reliable UV 400 sun protection and filter class 3.
  • Sunglasses VUCH Feger
    Are you and your loved one looking for original glasses that you will be able to borrow and both of you will look simply bombastic in them? So look at these Feger glasses. They are on the stopro unisex and thanks to the original wooden legs you can be sure that you will not come across similar ones.Unisex designHigh-quality polarizing glassPlastic frame and legs made of exotic woodSpring-loaded FLEXI hingesCAT.3, UV 400
  • Spokey ZENDA Women's snorkelling mask
    Women's snorkeling mask Spokey ZENDA with unique teardrop-shaped lenses – their shape increases the viewing angle both horizontally and vertically!Snorkeling #veSpokeyStyluWithout specialized equipment, it can be difficult to admire the beauty of the underwater world and its magical flora and fauna. The masks were created especially for lovers of underwater adventure! Thanks to them, snorkeling, a sport that consists of swimming on the surface of the water with your face immersed in the water and observing underwater life, will be even better!Even better underwater visibilityThe Spokey ZENDA snorkeling mask is made of the highest quality materials that guarantee safety underwater and ensure long and satisfactory use. Its shape and cheekpieces with strap are made of silicone, which easily and well adapts to your face. Two glasses made of tempered TG glass increase horizontal and vertical perspective and the width of the view underwater. Spokey masks are made using the latest technologies. They are well sealed, which means that water does not get inside during diving. In the Spokey ZENDA model , the glass is made of tempered TG glass, the PC frame and the cheekpiece with a strap of silicone. Thanks to the use of this combination of materials, the use of the mask is  really safe!Mask for womenThe ZENDA mask has smaller cheekpieces and a narrower frame of glasses than classic masks.For complete convenience of use, it is advisable to follow the recommendations of specialists:It is important that the mask is ideally matched to the shape of the face. Therefore, first apply the mask to the face, and only then adjust its size with an adjustable strap.To ensure a longer shelf life of the mask, rinse it thoroughly under running water after each use. After drying, store the mask in a cool place and protect from sunlight.And if you want your mask to still look like new after many uses, put it in lukewarm water and add lemon juice. Leave it in the water prepared in this way for several hours. Thanks to this, silicone, which may have changed its color in the meantime, will look like new again!SPECIFIED:Recreational snorkelingParameters:Frame: PCglass: tempered TGCheekpiece and strap: SiliconeStrap: possibility of length adjustmentThe teardrop-shaped structure of the mask provides a large viewing angle (both vertical and horizontal).narrower mask shape
  • Дамски слънчеви очила. VUCH Trisha
    <p data-placeholder="Prevod" dir="ltr" id="tw-target-text">Дамски слънчеви очила VUCH Trisha<br /><br />- Поляризирани;<br />- UV 400 защита;</p>
  • Spokey GN TRIX Snorkel mask
    Snorkeling #veSpokeyStyluWithout specialized equipment, it can be difficult to admire the beauty of the underwater world and its magical flora and fauna. The masks were created specifically for lovers of underwater adventure! Thanks to them, snorkeling, a sport that consists of swimming on the surface of the water with a dipped face in the water and observing underwater life, will be even better!Even better visibility underwaterThe Spokey GN TRIX snorkelling mask is made of the highest quality materials that guarantee safety underwater and ensure long and satisfactory use. Its shape and cheekpieces are made of PVC, which easily and well adapts to the face. Large tempered glass increases the perspective and width of visibility under water.Spokey masks are made using the latest technologies. They are well sealed, which means that water will not get inside during diving. In the Spokey GN TRIX, the glass is made of tempered glass.Large glass guarantees very good visibilityFor complete convenience of use, it is advisable to follow the recommendations of specialists:It is important that the mask is ideally matched to the shape of the face. Therefore, first attach the mask to the face, and only then adjust its size with a controllable strap.To ensure a longer shelf life of the mask, rinse it thoroughly under running water after each use. After drying, store the mask in a cool place and protect from sunlight.And if you want your mask to still look like new after many uses, put it in lukewarm water and add lemon juice. Leave it in such prepared water for several hours. This will make the silicone, which may have changed its color in the meantime, look like new again!SPECIFIED:Recreational snorkelingParameters:Material: Tempered glass, Silicone, PVC, TPRsingle glass constructionstraps:length control option
  • Spokey ZUMI JR Kids Face Mask, Lime
    Snorkeling is a sport that allows you to follow underwater life. This is swimming on the water surface with a submerged face in the water.Snorkeling #veSpokeyStyluThe Junior Full Face Mask for Snorkeling Spokey ZUMI JR was created for all those who like the underwater world and its magical fauna and flora. It allows you to comfortably observe the underwater world up close. The ZUMI JR full-face mask has been created for the smallest divers. The highest quality materials guarantee safety underwater and a long product life . The shape of the mask and the silicone cheekpiece ensure easy adhesion of the mask to the face. Thanks to the large glass, the wide field of view and visibility under water increase.The full-face mask is complemented by a simple, folding snorkel with a seal that has one shut-off valve and three channels (one for inhalation and two for exhalation). This solution prevents water from entering the mask during diving. When immersing the entire mask in water, the valves automatically lift and block access to the entire mask. It is also important that the warm air that we exhale during swimming gets out, thanks to which the glasses in the full-face mask do not fog.Spokey full-face masks were made using the latest technology. They are well sealed, which prevents water from entering the mask. To maintain full safety, there is a valve at the front of the mask that allows unwanted water to be blown out of the mask, making it safe to use Spokey full-face masks!Remember magical moments with the camera mountA holiday landmark? Shoot your video! The ZUMI JR Full Face Mask has a camera mount that you can attach to your mask at any time to film your underwater adventure.Included in the package is a mesh cover and a reusable bag that protects the mask from sand and salt.MaskThe high-quality materials from which the mask is made guarantee its long service life. The shape of the mask ensures a perfect adhesion to the face, and the large glass allows for great visibility and a wide field of view.SnorkelWith one valve and three channels, made of the highest quality materials.Mask careRinse the mask thoroughly under running water after each use to remove dirt, salt and chlorine.SPECIFIEDRecreational snorkelingHow to choose the size of the mask?Parameters:Glass: Rounded PCsnorkel: straight, folded with one valve and three channels (one for inhalation and two for exhalation)cheekpiece: liquid siliconeStrap: Elastic, AdjustableFrame: PCIncluded: Removable camera mountpacked in a net
  • Sunglasses VUCH Maurus
    Bamboo is the material of the future. It grows quickly, is light and can withstand even water. Simply the ideal natural material for sunglasses that you do not want to take off your eyes even when bathing. That's why bamboo frames are also worn by our Maurus.Unisex designHigh-quality polarizing glassGlasses made of bamboo woodSpring-loaded FLEXI hingesCAT. 3, UV 400
  • Spokey DOLPHIN Swimming rounds čierne
    Glass polycarbonate- silicone seals and double strip- adjustable plastic clips- UV filter- Anti-Fog surfaceBalnia: 144 pcs/carton
  • VUCH Marx Sunglasses
    For girls who are not afraid of it and want to shine whenever the sun shines. That's exactly for this group of daredevils, we designed Marx glasses. From the front, they look like black classics, but every time you turn your head, everyone sees those original pink legs that are all dotted.Plastic frameOval shapeCAT.3, UV 400Logo Vuch
  • Sunglasses KILPI OZELLO-U White
    Universal sunglasses Kilpi OZELLO-U are suitable for leisure time in nature or sports activities. The full-frame construction with smaller lenses is very light and suits different types of faces. The temples with silicone feet and silicone flexible nose saddle adjust easily, do not press or slip off the face when moving. Slide category 3 is suitable for bright and very sunny days. glass transmittance is 8-18%, UV 400. The glasses are not suitable for wearing in dim light or poor visibility. The package includes a sturdy padded case and a soft bag for cleaning glasses. The weight of the goggles is 40g. You can choose from two frame and glass colours. Instructions and Declaration of Conformity available at: www.kilpi.cz/prohlaseni Manufacturer: PONATURE s.r.o., U Hrůbků 251/119, 709 00 Ostrava, Czech republicMaterial composition: 100% polycarbonate, rubber
  • Polarized glasses Dark brown
    Unique polarized sunglasses. They will be perfect at any time of the year. Rounded model with lenses that have frames and connect at the top. Thin temples are made of a combination of metal and plastic. Polarization is designed to reflect horizontal rays and direct only vertical rays to our eye. Thanks to this, visual comfort is much better.
  • Sunglasses VUCH Fusee
    Getting black sunglasses is no problem at all, in fact most sunglasses are completely black. But if you want to give it a twist, an original detail and just step out of line, you need to look for it. And now you've just found them! The fusees are all black, but they are sprinkled with fine white polka dots on the legs.  Plastic frameOval shapeCAT.3, UV 400Logo Vuch
  • By Harmony Unisex Sunglasses
    Gender : Unisex; Body : Bone; Glass : Polarized; Body Color : Black; Glass Color : Black; Injection: 54; Nose Pitch: 14; Handle Length: 140; By Harmony Sunglasses are under the guarantee of By Harmony Turkey for 2 years. It will be sent with its original box, wiping cloth, soft case and warranty certificates. The photographs of all products were taken in private studios. 5% chromatic aberration possible
  • By Harmony Women's Sunglasses
    Gender:Female; Trunk:Bone; Glass:Polycarbon UV400; Body Color: Matte Black Green; Glass Color: Black; Gauge:45; Nose Pitch: 17; Handle Length:142; By Harmony Brand Sunglasses are under the guarantee of By Harmony Turkey Distributor for 2 years. It will be sent with its original box, wiping cloth, soft case and warranty certificates. ;
  • By Harmony Unisex Sunglasses
    Gender:Unisex ; Body:Bone ; Glass:Polycarbon UV400 ; Body Color: Matte Brown ; Glass Color: Brown ; Gauge: 58 ; Nose Pitch: 21 ; Handle Length:145 ; By Harmony Brand Sunglasses are under the guarantee of By Harmony Turkey Distributor for 2 years. It will be sent with its original box, wiping cloth, soft case and warranty certificates. ;
  • AQUA SPEED Kids's Full Face Diving Mask Drift Pattern 01
    Description: Designed to admire the underwater world from the surface of the water and shallow depths. The modern DRIFT snorkeling mask is the best solution for people who want to enjoy its beauty, especially those for whom the traditional solution with a classic mask and a pipe is inconvenient or too complicated to use. The DRIFT mask guarantees a wide, 180° field of view, free air exchange without the need to hold the mouthpiece in your mouth and, thanks to the soft collar, convenience of use.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Diving Set Manus&Borneo&Bag Pattern 07B
    Description: The MANUS+BORNEO snorkeling kit is a great choice for underwater adventurers and a great choice for holidays. The set consists of: diving mask with a modern shape with a Split Glass. The structure of the mask makes it perfectly adapts to many shapes of the face. The collar and strap of the mask are made of silicone (Liquid Silicone). Quick made of 4mm tempered glass. The mask is equipped with an easy-ADJUST belt adjustment system. A diving pipe with a lower valve, and a second valve – upper, preventing flooding of the tube (ULTRA DRY system). The Shape of the pipe is bent, and anatomically shaped and bent towards the mouth of the diver mouthpiece made of durable, non-allergenic silicone. The pipe has a slightly elliptical cross-section allowing you to breathe freely. It has an openable holder for quick-Release mask strap.
  • Sunglasses Chios Gold/Orange
    These extravagant sunglasses are really eye-catching accessories. The circular glasses are a perfect match for the filigree metal frame, which has a double nose bridge and semicircular elements on the sides. The design of the Urban Classics goggles is completed by elegant temples, the tips of which are rubberized to offer maximum comfort. Adjustable nose pads increase wearing comfort even more. The materials chosen are polycarbonate, copper and stainless steel. UV 400 glass offers reliable eye protection.
  • AQUA SPEED Kids's Full Face Diving Mask Drift Pattern 23
    Description: Designed to admire the underwater world from the surface of the water and shallow depths. The modern DRIFT snorkeling mask is the best solution for people who want to enjoy its beauty, especially those for whom the traditional solution with a classic mask and a pipe is inconvenient or too complicated to use. The DRIFT mask guarantees a wide, 180° field of view, free air exchange without the need to hold the mouthpiece in your mouth and, thanks to the soft collar, convenience of use.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Full Face Diving Mask Drift Pattern 13
    Description: Designed to admire the underwater world from the surface of the water and shallow depths. The modern DRIFT snorkeling mask is the best solution for people who want to enjoy its beauty, especially those for whom the traditional solution with a classic mask and a pipe is inconvenient or too complicated to use. The DRIFT mask guarantees a wide, 180° field of view, free air exchange without the need to hold the mouthpiece in your mouth and, thanks to the soft collar, convenience of use.
  • Sunglasses Beijing Black/Amber
    These wide sunglasses are a real eye-catcher thanks to their XXL lenses and patterned plastic frame. The style is rounded off by wide, straight sides. Reliable sun protection is provided by tinted UV 400 lenses. The stylish accessory is a one-size-fits-all and is made of polycarbonate, copper and zinc alloy. It is complemented by a smooth Urban Classics bedspread with a drawstring fastening.
  • Zakynthos sunglasses with chain
    With an eye-catching frame that puts special emphasis on the sides, these Urban Classics sunglasses are not for the shy. The distinctive gold chain links command attention, while the wide, straight top of the frame further enhances the look. The lenses of the sunglasses are rectangular and offer UV 400 eye protection. The Urban Classics accessory is made of polycarbonate.
  • Sunglasses Likoma Youth blk/grn
    The Likoma Youth sunglasses from MSTRDS are semi-transparent, rubberized and matte. This size is smaller and designed for the young. The lenses reflect and have UV400 protection. Choose your favorite color from a wide range of color combinations.
  • Likoma sunglasses neonpink
    Likoma sunglasses from MSTRDS are rubberized and matte. This combination ensures a stylish look and a high level of wearer comfort. The lenses are dark and have UV400 protection. Choose your favorite color from a wide range of color combinations. To keep your sunglasses preserved, you can put them in a colour-matching case.
  • Likoma sunglasses white
    Likoma sunglasses from MSTRDS are rubberized and matte. This combination ensures a stylish look and a high level of wearer comfort. The lenses are dark and have UV400 protection. Choose your favorite color from a wide range of color combinations. To keep your sunglasses preserved, you can put them in a colour-matching case.

Последно видяно

Отстъпки 20%, намаления, разпродажба Слънчеви очила за дами - Слънчевите очила могат да бъдат най-важните модни аксесоари през лятото, но и през цялата година. UV защита е важна не само за кожата, но и за очите. Слънчевите очила могат да бъдат отразяващи или не, със или без коригиращи лещи. Как да изберем добри слънчеви очила? За начало се уверете, че слънчевите очила имат добра UV защита. Излагането на ултравиолетови лъчи може да има нежелани последици за здравето. Потърсете слънчеви очила с 99% UVA и UVB защита от поне 95%. За добра слънцезащита също е важно размерът на самата рамка на слънчевите очила. Проверете колко можете да видите около слънчевите очила, дали слънчевата светлина прониква отгоре или отстрани. Ако носите слънчеви очила по време на спорт или подобни дейности, уверете се, че очилата ви се вписват добре на носа и стоят здраво на лицето ви. Ако ще ги носите за водни дейности, те трябва да бъдат поляризирани, като осигуряват по-голяма защита на очите. Що се отнася до модела на слънчевите очила, най-добре е да го изберете според формата на лицето. Хората с овално лице могат да носят повечето модели, просто се уверете, че ширината на очилата не е по-голяма от ширината на лицето. Хората с кръгло лице трябва да изберат правоъгълни очила, защото ъглите ще донесат баланс на лицето. За удълженото лице, най-добрите модели слънчеви очила са, например, популярните ретро модели. След избора на модела можете да изберете и цвета на стъклото. Въпреки че различните цветове на стъклата за слънчеви очила ще бъдат чудесен начин да изразете модния си стил, внимавайте, че цветът и контрастът на околната среда може да изглеждат различно в зависимост от цвета на избраните ви стъкла. Сивият цвят е студен и неутрален. Сивото представлява цвят без емоция, формален, консервативен, изтънчен цвят. Често се използва в контекст на мръсотия, скука и депресия. Тъмно сивият цвят комбинира силата и загадъчността на черното. Светлосивият цвят е дамски по естество, докато тъмно сивият е по-мъжествен. Всъщност това са черни нюанси. Сивото често се нарича оловен цвят, метален или цвят на барут. Нюансите на сиво знаят да причинят дискомфорт на хората, това трябва да се запомни при избора на дрехи.

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