Най-голямата модна платформа в България

Най-нови: Якета за дами

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Модни марки

Модни марки







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  • Orsay Яке Kafyav
    Яке - Orsay - Kafyav. Еко кожа, кожени якета
  • ONLY Gemma Яке Cheren
    Gemma Яке - ONLY - Cheren. Еко кожа, кожени якета
  • ONLY Freja Winter jacket Kafyav
    Freja Winter jacket - ONLY - Kafyav. Зимни якета
  • Calvin Klein Jeans Boxy Denim Яке Sin
    Boxy Denim Яке - Calvin Klein Jeans - Sin. Дънкови якета
  • Columbia POWDER LITE II SHERPA HYBRID JACKET Дамско яке, черно, размер
    Дамското яке Columbia POWDER LITE II SHERPA HYBRID JACKET е подходящо за пътувания, като поддържа тялото на сухо и топло, благодарение на водоустойчивата му обработка и термоотразяващата се подплата Omni-Heat. Това хибридно яке с качулка е изработено от топъл полар с подплатена и изолирана конструкция. Термо -рефлексните точки отразяват обратно телесната температура и е запазват до тялото.
  • adidas TERREX MULTI HYBRID JACKET Дамско хибридно яке, лилаво, размер
    Дамското хибридно яке adidas TERREX MULTI HYBRID JACKET е идеално за зимни спортове. Предоставя затопляне и проветривост, там където е най-необходимо. Прошитият синтетичен пълнеж, разположен отпред, ще те сгрее. Проветривият флийс допринася за регулиране на температурата при движение. Това яке осигурява комфорт по време на поход или при разходка в долината.
  • Columbia POWDER LITE II SHERPA HYBRID JACKET Дамско яке, винен, размер
    Дамското яке Columbia POWDER LITE II SHERPA HYBRID JACKET е подходящо за пътувания, като поддържа тялото на сухо и топло, благодарение на водоустойчивата му обработка и термоотразяващата се подплата Omni-Heat. Това хибридно яке с качулка е изработено от топъл полар с подплатена и изолирана конструкция. Термо -рефлексните точки отразяват обратно телесната температура и е запазват до тялото.
  • Reaper MOTOLLA Дамско зимно яке, черно, размер
    Дамското зимно яке Head MOTOLLA е с капитонирана форма и декоративна топла яка, тя е изработена от висококачествен материал с лек пълнеж, който осигурява отлична топлоизолация Допълнено е с джобове с цип, за безопасно поставяне на предметите в тях. Регулируемият долен край на якето позволява индивидуално прилепване за максимален комфорт. Подходящо е за ежедневно носене в града или сред природата през зимния период.
  • s.Oliver RL OUTDOOR WAISTCOAT Дамски елек, светло-зелено, размер
    Дамското елече s.Oliver RL OUTDOOR WAISTCOAT има интересен дизайн, който се харесва в студеното време. Изработен е с пришита качулка и два предни джоба с цип. Моделът е красив и предлага голямо удобство.
  • Lotto AIMEE Дамско капитонирано леко яке, черно, размер
    Дамското капитонирано яке Lotto AIMEE е изключително леко, а благодарение на пълнежа, който имитира пачи пух, е и достатъчно сгряващо. При неблагоприятни климатични условия може да се използва като втори изолиращ слой от облеклото под непромокаемо яке. Двата практични джоба с цип предоставят достатъчно място за съхранение за дребни неща.
  • Lewro BAHIRA Зимно яке за момичета, жълто, размер
    Момичешкото затоплено яке Lewro BAHIRA е идеално за сноуборд и ски. Допълнено е с топлоизолация, която създава приятна топлина дори и в мразовитите дни. Допълнено е с практични детайли, като платка над основния цип със защита при брадата, джоб за ски карта и снежен колан и гарантира удобство през цялото време на носене. светлоотразителни елементи осигуряващи по-добра видимост.
  • Puma RUN ULTRAWEAVE RAINCELL JACKET W Дамско яке за бягане, цвят сьомга, размер
    Никога не позволявай дъждът да прекрати бягането ти. Това леко дамско яке Puma RUN ULTRAWEAVE RAINCELL JACKET W ще устои на влажно време, а технологията dryCELL отвежда влагата и запазва тялото сухо. Ергономичните линии осигуряват свобода на движението, километър след километър. Неудържими постижения за неудържими спортисти.
  • Columbia PUFFECT MID VEST Дамски елек, бежово, размер
    Дамският елек Columbia PUFFECT™ MID VEST е в модерна капитонирана кройка и ще поддържа комфортната топлина на тялото ти. Изработен е с пълнеж от меки синтетични пера( прахови), еластични кантове около ръкавите и регулируем колан, за да се запазва топлината на тялото ти.
  • adidas OWN THE RUN JACKET Дамско яке за бягане, черно, размер
    Дамско яке за бягане adidas OWN THE RUN. Решено е в кройка със закопчаване с цип и висока яка. Разполага с технологията WIND.RDY, която ще те предпази във ветровито време. Благодарение на водоотблъскващата повърхностна обработка не бива да се притесняваш и от евентуален дъжд. Капризите на времето няма да нарушат плановете ти за тренировка.
  • Lotto SEVILIA Дамско oversize капитонирано яке, черно, размер
    Дамското яке Lotto SEVILIA е стилен избор за по-студените дни. Благодарение на кройката oversize до талията и на сгряващия пълнеж от микровлакно предоставя максимален комфорт и топлина. Финият материал, ефектното прошиване и практичните джобове придават на якето модерен и функционален вид.
  • LEGO® kidswear LWJIPE 706 JACKET Детско ски яке, розово, размер
    Детско ски яке Lego WearLWJIPE 706 JACKET. Якето е абсолютно устойчиво на вятър и е проветриво. Основните предимства на това яке са YKK ципът с плъзгач и със защита от вятър под ципа, а също и двустранният протектор за брадата, разположен на предницата. Снежният колан с копчета тик-так може да се закопчее отстрани на якето и така да се скрие. Меките, еластични вътрешни маншети с отвори за палците са приятни в студените дни или когато си забравил ръкавиците си. Бродерията Lego Wear на ръкава и емблематичните отразители 3M Scotchlite на предницата и на гърба подчертават целия дизайн. Якето е импрегнирано с екологичната обработка Bionic Finish® ECO, която повишава устойчивостта на плата спрямо вода и петна.
  • Willard KLARIPA Дамско дълго яке-софтшел, черно, размер
    Дамското дълго яке от софтшел Willard KLARIPA е с качулка и е проектирано за всички, които търсят удобство в променливото време. Материала е софтшел с поларена подплата и предлага отлична защита на тялото, а качулката може да бъде регулирана и се приспособява отлично към главата. Благодарение на удължената задна част и цепките е подходящо и за всекидневно носене при излети сред природата.
  • Hannah ZURY Дамско яке с мембрана, розово, размер
    Ако и ти си любителка на приключенията сред природата в свободното си време? Дамското яке Hannah ZURY е идеалният модел за леки излети в хладните дни. Изработено е от материала Softshell Grid с мембраната 8 000 и обработката Teflon Eco Lite. Материята предлага водоустойчивост, вятърно устойчивост и едновременно с това е дишаща. Качулката и долният кант могат да се регулират, докато анатомично оформените ръкави могат да се пристягат с лента от велкро.
  • Яке adidas x KSENIASCHNAIDER Trenchcoat Black XS
    Яке adidas x KSENIASCHNAIDER Trenchcoat Black XS можете да намерите във Footshop само за 389 BGN. Марка: adidas Originals, Цвят: Black, Достъпни размери: XS
  • Яке Columbia Puffect™ II Full Zip Jacket Dark Stone M
    Яке Columbia Puffect™ II Full Zip Jacket Dark Stone M можете да намерите във Footshop само за 279 BGN. Марка: Columbia, Цвят: Dark Stone, Достъпни размери: M
  • Яке Calvin Klein Jeans Logo Short Hooded Puffer Jacket Black XL
    Яке Calvin Klein Jeans Logo Short Hooded Puffer Jacket Black XL можете да намерите във Footshop само за 469 BGN. Марка: Calvin Klein, Цвят: Black, Достъпни размери: XL
  • Яке Reebok Classics Vector High-Pile Fleece Jacket UNISEX Black L
    Яке Reebok Classics Vector High-Pile Fleece Jacket UNISEX Black L можете да намерите във Footshop само за 199 BGN. Марка: Reebok, Цвят: Black, Достъпни размери: L
  • Яке Ambush Stadium Jacket UNISEX Navy/ Russet Brown L
    Яке Ambush Stadium Jacket UNISEX Navy/ Russet Brown L можете да намерите във Footshop само за 3299 BGN. Марка: Ambush, Цвят: Navy/ Russet Brown, Достъпни размери: L
  • Яке Columbia Leadbetter Point™ II Print Sherpa Hybrid Camel Brown L
    Яке Columbia Leadbetter Point™ II Print Sherpa Hybrid Camel Brown L можете да намерите във Footshop само за 299 BGN. Марка: Columbia, Цвят: Camel Brown, Достъпни размери: L
  • Яке The North Face x IKB M Superior Futurelight Jacket Black XL
    Яке The North Face x IKB M Superior Futurelight Jacket Black XL можете да намерите във Footshop само за 589 BGN. Марка: The North Face, Цвят: Black, Достъпни размери: XL
  • Яке Columbia Puffect™ II Mid Hooded Jacket Dark Stone M
    Яке Columbia Puffect™ II Mid Hooded Jacket Dark Stone M можете да намерите във Footshop само за 339 BGN. Марка: Columbia, Цвят: Dark Stone, Достъпни размери: M
  • Trendyol Cream Blazer Jacket
    Material Component: 86% Polyester, 14% Elastane; Fabric Type: Woven; Model Front Length: 72.0 cm; Lining 100% Polyester; In order to use your product for a longer time and to properly care for your product, please follow the washing instructions below. In studio shooting, colors may vary due to light differences.
  • Women's jacket with PTX membrane ALPINE PRO ZARRA treetop
    What activities is it suitable for?Hiking Mountaineering Nordic Walking-Tourism Technology & FeaturesDurable water repellency The material with DWR (Durable Water Repellency) treatment has a specially applied water-repellent layer. Incident moisture (water, snow) creates tiny droplets that immediately drain away from the surface of the material. Thanks to this DWR treatment, the clothes stay dry longer even in adverse weather. PTX MEMBRANE The modern two-layer PTX material has a non-porous PTX membrane laminated on the reverse side, which ensures high waterproofness and excellent vapor permeability, key to sweat wicking away from the body. At the same time, the PTX membrane protects the user against wind penetration into the lower layers of clothing and thus prevents unwanted heat loss. This material provides high protection for both professional skiers and outdoor enthusiasts of any difficulty while maintaining high comfort. The material is easy to maintain. Stretch refers to a material that is flexible and allows freedom of movement. LADIES SIZE A type of clothing that is shaped to an atypical female figure. The size designation is supplemented by the suffix L. Regular fit Clothing marked in this way has a straighter, semi-fitted silhouette. Seam taped seams provide the product with maximum possible protection against the penetration of unwanted moisture from the environment. Water-repellent zipper The product contains water-repellent zippers. The product must be washed with closed zippers and must not be ironed. ADJUSTABLE HOOD The hood allows you to adjust the size of the face opening and head circumference adjustment with an elastic band or the height of the hood with Velcro. PACKABLE HOOD The hood can be packed into the collar. VENTILATION ELEMENTS Odvětrávání
  • Long women's ultralight coat ALPINE PRO OREFA mykonos blue
    The women's winter coat OREFA is made of windproof and lightweight material with a water-repellent finish that will keep you dry even in the rain. The coat has a warm microfiber filling and a quilted lining for maximum thermal comfort. The hood, sleeves and bottom are lined with elastic for added protection from the wind. The coat is equipped with a chin guard, two practical pockets and longer zip pullers for easy handling. Thanks to the 100% polyamide material, this coat will reliably warm you up and protect you in cold weather.
  • Women's jacket with PTX membrane ALPINE PRO ZARRA anemone
    What activities is it suitable for?Hiking Mountaineering Nordic Walking-Tourism Technology & FeaturesDurable water repellency The material with DWR (Durable Water Repellency) treatment has a specially applied water-repellent layer. Incident moisture (water, snow) creates tiny droplets that immediately drain away from the surface of the material. Thanks to this DWR treatment, the clothes stay dry longer even in adverse weather. PTX MEMBRANE The modern two-layer PTX material has a non-porous PTX membrane laminated on the reverse side, which ensures high waterproofness and excellent vapor permeability, key to sweat wicking away from the body. At the same time, the PTX membrane protects the user against wind penetration into the lower layers of clothing and thus prevents unwanted heat loss. This material provides high protection for both professional skiers and outdoor enthusiasts of any difficulty while maintaining high comfort. The material is easy to maintain. Stretch refers to a material that is flexible and allows freedom of movement. LADIES SIZE A type of clothing that is shaped to an atypical female figure. The size designation is supplemented by the suffix L. Regular fit Clothing marked in this way has a straighter, semi-fitted silhouette. Seam taped seams provide the product with maximum possible protection against the penetration of unwanted moisture from the environment. Water-repellent zipper The product contains water-repellent zippers. The product must be washed with closed zippers and must not be ironed. ADJUSTABLE HOOD The hood allows you to adjust the size of the face opening and head circumference adjustment with an elastic band or the height of the hood with Velcro. PACKABLE HOOD The hood can be packed into the collar. VENTILATION ELEMENTS Odvětrávání
  • Long women's quilted vest with wr ALPINE PRO UREFA pink cosmos
    The UREFA women's long-cut vest will protect you from rain, snow and wind thanks to the materials used with a special water-repellent finish. The thick filling keeps the body warm even in bad weather. A looser fit and fluffy style fit perfectly. There are also two pockets and a beautiful patch. Material composition: 100% polyamide.
  • Long women's quilted vest with wr ALPINE PRO UREFA mykonos blue
    The UREFA women's long-cut vest will protect you from rain, snow and wind thanks to the materials used with a special water-repellent finish. The thick filling keeps the body warm even in bad weather. A looser fit and fluffy style fit perfectly. There are also two pockets and a beautiful patch. Material composition: 100% polyamide.
  • Long women's ultralight coat ALPINE PRO OREFA pink cosmos
    The women's winter coat OREFA is made of windproof and lightweight material with a water-repellent finish that will keep you dry even in the rain. The coat has a warm microfiber filling and a quilted lining for maximum thermal comfort. The hood, sleeves and bottom are lined with elastic for added protection from the wind. The coat is equipped with a chin guard, two practical pockets and longer zip pullers for easy handling. Thanks to the 100% polyamide material, this coat will reliably warm you up and protect you in cold weather.
  • Women's softshell jacket with membrane ALPINE PRO HOORA anemone variant pa
    DescriptionThe HOORA women's outdoor jacket is a must-have in the new autumn ALPINE PRO collection! The popular softshell jacket is made of functional material with a SOFT-SHELL WINDBARRIER membrane, complemented by DWR treatment. A special treatment supports the functional properties of the material. When worn in nature, during mountain hiking, but also in the city, you will appreciate the popular semi-fitted cut, which always adapts to the figure, detachable hood with drawstring, extended and adjustable bottom part, 4 practical zip pockets and pullers for easy handling. The jacket designed for women and girls is waterproof, breathable, stretchy and pleasantly warm. You will find a large number of reflective elements on the HOORA jacket. Thanks to its functional properties, the jacket will protect you in any weather. You will find many colors and a wide range of sizes, including special ladies sizes. Material values: water column 8000 mm, breathability 3000 g/m2/24h. What activities is it suitable for?Hiking Nordic Walking-Tourism Technology & GadgetsDurable water repellency The material with DWR (Durable Water Repellency) treatment has a specially applied water-repellent layer. Incident moisture (water, snow) creates tiny droplets that immediately drain away from the surface of the material. Thanks to this DWR treatment, the clothes stay dry longer even in adverse weather. Soft Shell Windbarrier Softshell Windbarrier is a flexible 3-layer material with a membrane that combines the advantages of the second and third layers. Stretch refers to a material that is flexible and allows freedom of movement. LADIES SIZE A type of clothing that is shaped to an atypical female figure. The size designation is supplemented by the suffix L. Regular fit Clothing marked in this way has a straighter, semi-fitted silhouette. ADJUSTABLE HOOD The hood allows you to adjust the size of the face opening and head circumference adjustment with an elastic band or the height of the hood with Velcro. DETACHABLE HOOD The hood is fully detachable, fastened to the collar with a zipper.
  • Women's softshell jacket with membrane ALPINE PRO HOORA black
    DescriptionThe HOORA women's outdoor jacket is a must-have in the new autumn ALPINE PRO collection! The popular softshell jacket is made of functional material with a SOFT-SHELL WINDBARRIER membrane, complemented by DWR treatment. A special treatment supports the functional properties of the material. When worn in nature, during mountain hiking, but also in the city, you will appreciate the popular semi-fitted cut, which always adapts to the figure, detachable hood with drawstring, extended and adjustable bottom part, 4 practical zip pockets and pullers for easy handling. The jacket designed for women and girls is waterproof, breathable, stretchy and pleasantly warm. You will find a large number of reflective elements on the HOORA jacket. Thanks to its functional properties, the jacket will protect you in any weather. You will find many colors and a wide range of sizes, including special ladies sizes. Material values: water column 8000 mm, breathability 3000 g/m2/24h. What activities is it suitable for?Hiking Nordic Walking-Tourism Technology & GadgetsDurable water repellency The material with DWR (Durable Water Repellency) treatment has a specially applied water-repellent layer. Incident moisture (water, snow) creates tiny droplets that immediately drain away from the surface of the material. Thanks to this DWR treatment, the clothes stay dry longer even in adverse weather. Soft Shell Windbarrier Softshell Windbarrier is a flexible 3-layer material with a membrane that combines the advantages of the second and third layers. Stretch refers to a material that is flexible and allows freedom of movement. LADIES SIZE A type of clothing that is shaped to an atypical female figure. The size designation is supplemented by the suffix L. Regular fit Clothing marked in this way has a straighter, semi-fitted silhouette. ADJUSTABLE HOOD The hood allows you to adjust the size of the face opening and head circumference adjustment with an elastic band or the height of the hood with Velcro. DETACHABLE HOOD The hood is fully detachable, fastened to the collar with a zipper.
  • Women's ultra-light quilted vest black
    This vest is black in color, insulated and quilted, made of light but warm material. It has a hood and a full-length zipper, which provides good protection against wind and colder weather. The quilting is horizontal and evenly distributed, which contributes to a modern and clean look. The vest is ideal for layering over T-shirts or sweatshirts on colder days when more freedom of movement is needed.
  • Women's softshell jacket with membrane ALPINE PRO HOORA treetop
    DescriptionThe HOORA women's outdoor jacket is a must-have in the new autumn ALPINE PRO collection! The popular softshell jacket is made of functional material with a SOFT-SHELL WINDBARRIER membrane, complemented by DWR treatment. A special treatment supports the functional properties of the material. When worn in nature, during mountain hiking, but also in the city, you will appreciate the popular semi-fitted cut, which always adapts to the figure, detachable hood with drawstring, extended and adjustable bottom part, 4 practical zip pockets and pullers for easy handling. The jacket designed for women and girls is waterproof, breathable, stretchy and pleasantly warm. You will find a large number of reflective elements on the HOORA jacket. Thanks to its functional properties, the jacket will protect you in any weather. You will find many colors and a wide range of sizes, including special ladies sizes. Material values: water column 8000 mm, breathability 3000 g/m2/24h. What activities is it suitable for?Hiking Nordic Walking-Tourism Technology & GadgetsDurable water repellency The material with DWR (Durable Water Repellency) treatment has a specially applied water-repellent layer. Incident moisture (water, snow) creates tiny droplets that immediately drain away from the surface of the material. Thanks to this DWR treatment, the clothes stay dry longer even in adverse weather. Soft Shell Windbarrier Softshell Windbarrier is a flexible 3-layer material with a membrane that combines the advantages of the second and third layers. Stretch refers to a material that is flexible and allows freedom of movement. LADIES SIZE A type of clothing that is shaped to an atypical female figure. The size designation is supplemented by the suffix L. Regular fit Clothing marked in this way has a straighter, semi-fitted silhouette. ADJUSTABLE HOOD The hood allows you to adjust the size of the face opening and head circumference adjustment with an elastic band or the height of the hood with Velcro. DETACHABLE HOOD The hood is fully detachable, fastened to the collar with a zipper.
  • Women's softshell jacket with membrane ALPINE PRO JERDA ivy green
    Technology and gadgetsDurable water repellency The material with DWR (Durable Water Repellency) treatment has a specially applied water-repellent layer. Incident moisture (water, snow) creates tiny droplets that immediately drain away from the surface of the material. Thanks to this DWR treatment, the clothes stay dry longer even in adverse weather. SOFTSHELL 2 LAYER A flexible 2-layer material without a membrane, which combines the advantages of the second and third layer. Stretch refers to a material that is flexible and allows freedom of movement. Regular fit Clothing marked in this way has a straighter, semi-fitted silhouette. Seam taped seams provide the product with maximum possible protection against the penetration of unwanted moisture from the environment. Water-repellent zipper The product contains water-repellent zippers. The product must be washed with closed zippers and must not be ironed. ADJUSTABLE HOOD The hood allows you to adjust the size of the face opening and head circumference adjustment with an elastic band or the height of the hood with Velcro.
  • Women's softshell jacket with membrane ALPINE PRO HOORA mood indigo variant pa
    DescriptionThe HOORA women's outdoor jacket is a must-have in the new autumn ALPINE PRO collection! The popular softshell jacket is made of functional material with a SOFT-SHELL WINDBARRIER membrane, complemented by DWR treatment. A special treatment supports the functional properties of the material. When worn in nature, during mountain hiking, but also in the city, you will appreciate the popular semi-fitted cut, which always adapts to the figure, detachable hood with drawstring, extended and adjustable bottom part, 4 practical zip pockets and pullers for easy handling. The jacket designed for women and girls is waterproof, breathable, stretchy and pleasantly warm. You will find a large number of reflective elements on the HOORA jacket. Thanks to its functional properties, the jacket will protect you in any weather. You will find many colors and a wide range of sizes, including special ladies sizes. Material values: water column 8000 mm, breathability 3000 g/m2/24h. What activities is it suitable for?Hiking Nordic Walking-Tourism Technology & GadgetsDurable water repellency The material with DWR (Durable Water Repellency) treatment has a specially applied water-repellent layer. Incident moisture (water, snow) creates tiny droplets that immediately drain away from the surface of the material. Thanks to this DWR treatment, the clothes stay dry longer even in adverse weather. Soft Shell Windbarrier Softshell Windbarrier is a flexible 3-layer material with a membrane that combines the advantages of the second and third layers. Stretch refers to a material that is flexible and allows freedom of movement. LADIES SIZE A type of clothing that is shaped to an atypical female figure. The size designation is supplemented by the suffix L. Regular fit Clothing marked in this way has a straighter, semi-fitted silhouette. ADJUSTABLE HOOD The hood allows you to adjust the size of the face opening and head circumference adjustment with an elastic band or the height of the hood with Velcro. DETACHABLE HOOD The hood is fully detachable, fastened to the collar with a zipper.
  • GEOX Brown women's down jacket Jaysen - Women's
    Brown women's down jacket Jaysen. Material: synthetic, textile, rubber
  • Trendyol Ecru More Sustainable Flock Printed Denim Jacket
    Model Information: Model Measurements: Height: 173cm(5'8'') Chest: 79cm(31in) Waist: 60cm(23in) Hip: 89cm(35in); The product on the model is size S/36/8.; ; Material Component: 100% Cotton ; Fabric Type: Denim ; Model Front Length: 63.0 cm ; For longer use of your product and proper care of your product, please follow the washing instructions below. ; Colors may vary due to light differences in studio shots.
  • Trendyol Grey Striped Premium Polyviscose Blazer Jacket
    Model Information: Model Measurements: Height: 175cm(5'9') Chest 86cm(33in) Waist: 62cm(24in) Hip: 89cm(35n); The product on the model is size S/36/8.; ; Material Component: 63% Polyester,35% Viscose,2% Elastane ; Fabric Type: Woven ; Model Front Length: 77.0 cm ; For longer use of your product and proper care of your product, please follow the washing instructions below. ; Colors may vary due to light differences in studio shots.
  • Trendyol Navy Blue Piping Detailed Knitted Top-Bottom Set
    Model Information: Model Measurements: Height: 175cm(5'9') Chest 89cm(35in) Waist: 64cm(25in) Hip: 90cm(35n); The product on the model is size S/36/8.; ; Material Component: 92% Polyester,8% Elastane ; Fabric Type: Knitted ;In order to use your product for a longer time and to properly care for your product, please follow the washing instructions below. ; Colors may vary due to light differences in studio shots.
  • DEFACTO Fit Water Repellent Slim Fit Down Jacket
    Women's Coat ; Polyamide 100% ; Model Information Beige-BG715: Bust: 79 Height: 1.77 Hips: 89 Waist: 60 ; Model Size Beige-BG715: M ; Product Code: A1546AX23AU ; Model Information Green-GN1191: Chest: 79 Height: 1.77 Hips: 89 Waist: 60 ; Model Size Green-GN1191: M ;
  • DEFACTO Regular Fit Hooded Quilted Thin Parka Coat
    Complete your style with the stylish and comfortable Regular Fit Hooded Taffeta Thin Parka.; Protect your elegance in all seasons with its fine texture and modern design.; Produced with quality materials, this parka is both stylish and durable option.; A candidate to become indispensable in your wardrobe!; Polyester 100%; Model Information Khaki-KH461: Chest: 81 Height: 1.73 Hips: 89 Waist: 61; Model Size Khaki-KH461: S; Product Code: C1645AX24AU; Model Information Black-BK27: Chest: 80 Height: 1.76 Hips: 89 Waist: 60; Model Size Black-BK27: S;
  • DEFACTO Regular Fit Jacket Collar Flannel Blazer Jacket
    This Regular Fit Jacket Collar Flannel Blazer is the perfect option that combines style and comfort. It is made of high quality flannel material and designed for a perfect fit. This blazer is perfect to complete any dressy or casual outfit. It is the perfect choice for any man who wants to achieve a stylish look.; Acrylic 86%,Cotton 3%,Polyamide 1%,Viscose 2%,Polyester 7%,Wool 1%; Item Code: B3268AX24SP;
  • DEFACTO Regular Fit Blazer Jacket
    Women's Blazer; Elastane 3%, Viscose 35%, Polyester 62% ; Model Information Navy Blue-NV199: Bust: 84 Height: 1.76 Hips: 90 Waist: 61 ; Model Size Navy-NV199: 36 ; Product Code: B1599AX23AU ;
  • DEFACTO Women's Oval Buckle Faux Leather Classic Belt
    It's made of leather-like material. With its stylish design with a metal oval buckle, DeFacto Women's Oval Buckle Faux Leather Classic Belt will be an integral part of your combinations that look the best. Polyurethane 100%; SKU: B1530AXNS; Product Size: 3*1;
  • DEFACTO Waterproof Regular Fit Stamp Coat
    DeFacto Women's Waterproof Regular Fit Cachet Stamp, a cotton blended fabric that will warm you on cold winter days, is the most trendy veiling outerwear model of recent times, with its basic, plain and buttoned long keeping feature, comfortable cachet synthetic lining fabric and a cotton blended fabric that you can use in all your combinations. ; Polyester 100% ; Model Information Black-BK27: Bust: 79 Height: 1.8 Hips: 90 Waist: 61 ; Model Size Black-BK27: M ; Product Length Measurements: M-100 cm,XXL-103 cm,S-99 cm,XS-98 cm,XL-102 cm,L-101 cm ; Product Code: A1090AX23AU ; Model Information Beige-BG768: Bust: 81 Height: 1.75 Hips: 88 Waist: 60 ; Model Size Beige-BG768: S ;
  • DEFACTO Oversize Fit Thick Fabric Bomber Jacket
    DeFacto Women's Oversize Fit Thick Fabric with its comfortable pattern, you can move easily, its print and warm feature, stylish design, college collar and functional pockets, trendy look with zipper detail and synthetic inner lining, and its warm structure and useful structure in winter months. Bomber Jacket.; Cotton 69%, Polyester 31%; Model Information Red-RD79: Chest: 80 Height: 1.8 Hips: 90 Waist: 61; Model Size Red-RD79: S; Item Code: B2593AX23WN;
  • DEFACTO Waterproof Relax Fit Hooded Raincoat
    Water Repellent Fabric. Waterproof and comfortably cut, hooded raincoat provides your comfort while maintaining your elegance on rainy days. The raincoat is a practical and stylish option with its water-resistant fabric. Ideal for use in the city and nature. ; Polyester 100%; Model Information Ecru-ER238: Chest: 81 Height: 1.73 Hips: 89 Waist: 61; Model Size Ecru-ER238: S; Product Code: Y7184AZ24AU;
  • DEFACTO Waterproof Regular Fit Faux Für Lined Coat
    This faux leather jacket, which draws attention with its waterproof feature, combines elegance and practicality. This coat, which adapts to every body with its regular fit cut, keeps you warm in cold weather with its faux fur lining. This coat, which you can easily use both in daily life and on special occasions, will become one of the indispensable parts of your wardrobe. Attracting attention with its stylish details, this coat is an option to complement your style. ; Polyester 100% ; Model Information Black-BK27: Bust: 83 Height: 1.71 Hips: 90 Waist: 62 ; Model Size Black-BK27: S ; Product Code: B3463AX23WN ;
  • DEFACTO Regular Fit Stamp Coat
    An excellent option for women who want to maintain their elegance in cold weather: Women's Regular Fit Cachet Coat. This special design will protect you from the cold and contribute to your style with its trendy model. ; Polyester 100% ; Model Information Grey-GR2: Chest: 82 Height: 1.68 Hips: 92 Waist: 64; Model Size Grey-GR2:S ; Product Length Measurements: XL-92 cm,XS-88 cm,L-91 cm,M-90 cm,S-89 cm,XXL-93 cm; Product Code: A0907AX23WN ;
  • DEFACTO Oversize Fit Linen Blend Blazer Jacket
    It combines simplicity and elegance when combined with carrot trousers, high-waisted jeans, mom jeans, crop tops, crop undershirts, basic t-shirts, skirts and jean shorts, with its perfect design made of linen blended viscose fabric, oversize fit, loose fit, comfortable and stylish thanks to the pads on the shoulders. DeFacto Women's Oversize Fit Linen Blend Blazer, which you can choose with its stylish single button closure and pocket flap detail, which you can complement with both classic and sports combinations; Viscose 71%,Flax 29%; Model Information Beige-BG737: Chest: 82 Height: 1.78 Hips: 88 Waist: 60; Model Size Beige-BG737: 38; Product Length Measurements: 42-77 cm,34-73 cm,38-75 cm,40-76 cm,36-74 cm; Product Code: Z2536AZ23SM; Model Information Khaki-KH255: Chest: 83 Height: 1.8 Hips: 92 Waist: 62; Model Size Khaki-KH255: 36; Model Information Brown-BN311: Chest: 82 Height: 1.78 Hips: 88 Waist: 60; Model Size Brown-BN311: 38; Model Information White-WT32: Chest: 82 Height: 1.78 Hips: 88 Waist: 60; Model Size White-WT32: 36;
  • DEFACTO Regular Fit Polo Collar Cashmere Jacket
    Offering elegance and comfort together, the Regular Fit Polo Collar Cashmere Jacket is a candidate to become an indispensable part of your wardrobe. It adapts to every style with its quality fabric and stylish design. It is an ideal choice for every season and every combination.; Polyester 100%; Product Code: C0935AX23WN;
  • DEFACTO Cropped Jean Jacket
    DeFacto Women's Crop Jean, one of the most sought-after pieces of spring and summer, which you can combine with any leggings, jean and woven trousers with its trendy crop fit, open navel basic design comfortable model, and complete both daily and classic with its convenient buttoned style long sleeve design. Jacket. ; Cotton 100% ; Model Information Blue-NM34: Bust: 80 Height: 1.77 Hips: 90 Waist: 64 ; Model Size Blue-NM34: M ; Product Code: B2288AX23WN ;
  • DEFACTO Oversize Fit Jacket Collar Crepe Blazer Jacket
    This oversize fit jacket collar crepe blazer combines elegance and comfort. This blazer, which has a light and breathable structure with its thin crepe fabric, is a piece you can use in all seasons. While it offers a modern look with its oversize cut, it also completes your elegance with its jacket collar detail. With this blazer, which will be one of the indispensable parts of your wardrobe, you can catch elegance in every combination; Polyester 100%; Item Code: C3254AX23WN;
  • Trendyol Dark Grey Regular Pocket Detailed Wool Long Coat
    Model Information: Model Measurements: Height: 172cm(5'8'') Chest: 83cm(32in) Waist: 58cm(22in) Hip: 87cm(34in); The product on the model is size S/36/8.; ; Material Component: 80% Acrylic, 20% Wool ; Fabric Type: Woven ; Model Front Length: 110.0 cm ;Our product has a normal regular fit. It is a standard cut that provides comfortable movement and does not hug the body. ;In order to use your product for a longer time and to properly care for your product, please follow the washing instructions below. ; Colors may vary due to light differences in studio shots.
  • Trendyol Mink Soft Textured Seasonal Short Oversize Cashmere Coat
    Model Information: Model's Measurements: Height: 176cm(5'9') Chest 77cm(30in) Waist: 62cm(24in) Hip: 91cm(35in); The product on the model is size S/36/8.; ; Material Component: 61% Polyester,36% Cotton,3% Elastane ; Fabric Type: Knitted ; Model Front Length: 56.0 cm ;Our product is a normal regular pattern. It is a standard cut that allows comfortable movement and does not hug the body. In order for you to use your product for a longer period of time and to properly care for your product, please follow the washing instructions below. In studio shooting, colors may vary due to light differences.
  • Trendyol Claret Red Soft Textured Seasonal Short Oversize Cashmere Coat
    Model Information: Model Measurements: Height: 178cm(5'10'') Chest: 82cm(32in) Waist: 60cm(23in) Hip: 89cm(35in); The product on the model is size S/36/8.; ; Material Component: 61% Polyester, 36% Cotton, 3% Elastane ; Fabric Type: Knitted ; Model Front Length: 56.0 cm ;Our product has a normal regular fit. It is a standard cut that provides comfortable movement and does not hug the body. ;In order to use your product for a longer time and to properly care for your product, please follow the washing instructions below. ; Colors may vary due to light differences in studio shots.
  • Women's waterproof jacket Trespass FLOURISH Rainwear
    Keep yourself dry and stylish with the Trespass Flourish Windbreaker Women's Waterproof Jacket.This hooded jacket with a sleek design is perfect for any weather.TP75 Performance Rating - Elevate your outdoor performance with this TP75-rated jacket that ensures durability and protection in any weather conditions.Grouted Hood - Stay dry and comfortable with an extended hood that provides extra coverage and protects you from the elements.Elastic Cuffs - Experience a secure fit and improved mobility with elastic cuffs that allow you to move freely without compromising on protection.Button-Down Storm Flap - Keep wind and rain at bay with a Button-Down Storm Flap that provides an extra layer of protection against harsh weather conditions.
  • Women's Trespass Urge Ski Jacket
    Women's zip-up hooded ski jacket made of lightly padded windproof material.Side pockets and inner pocket with closable zippers.Elastic cuff to protect the palm and adjustable sleeves with Velcro.A powder skirt is included in this model.Higher collar and hood with adjustment.
  • Girls' quilted vest
    Girls' quilted vest 4F with synthetic filling, which pleasantly warms without unnecessary burden.Enriched with 4FWarm technology, which helps to improve thermal comfort.The vest has a higher collar, a hood without additional size adjustment and side pockets.
  • Women's coat Trespass Faithful
    Women's coat Trespass Faithful with light protection against wetting with parameters 3000/3000.adjustable waistband with drawstringinner fleece liningfront zipper with flap protectionsleeves with adjustable cuffsadjustable hood with detachable faux fur trimFour spacious pocketsslit on the back panel
  • Women's Trespass Elegant Jacket
    Women's quilted jacket Trespass with synthetic filling.The jacket is zipped with a chin guard, has a hood, side pockets with zippers and elastic sleeve cuffs.
  • Women's Down Coat Trespass Bitsy
    Women's quilted coat by Trespass with down filling.With its length, hood and furry fleece lined collar, this coat is stylish and functional.With two hidden zippered pockets, you can keep your essentials safe during your travels or outdoor adventures.The stud detail on the cuffs adds extra style while offering the possibility of custom customization.
  • Дамско яке. DStreet
    Дамско яке от DStreet.<br />- с метален блясък<br />- сваляща се козина и качулка<br />- топли и удобни<br />- ръкави завършени с подгъви<br />Размери на модела: Ханш: 85 см. Талия: 68 см. Бюст: 87 см. Височина: 172 см.<br />Моделът носи размер S.<br /><strong>Материал</strong>: 100% полиестер
  • Щастие İstanbul Дамски черен нож Nubuck палто
    90% Полиестер 10% Еластан; Кожена яка, странични джобове, космата вътрешност, странично затваряне с цип, палто от набук; Дължина на продукта: 60 см Дължина на ръкава: 55 см; Цветовете могат да варират поради разликата в светлината в студийните снимки.
  • Women's short 3-color creased jacket dukrose/white sand/black
    A jacket for ladies that, like no other, embodies women's sport. It features a tight fit with a large drawstring hood and stops, as well as a central zipper. The elastic hem and cuffs are wide, and the two side pockets with zippers are a practical accessory. Inserts on the shoulders and arms with a colourful block design turn the women's sports jacket into an authentic eye-catcher. The bodysuit is lined with mesh and the sleeves are made of taffeta. The jacket is made of nylon – the loose fit ensures optimal wearing comfort.
  • Women's Light Bomber Sand Jacket
    URBAN CLASSICS Bomber Jackets are well known. The lighter version is perfect for warmer days. The typical details have remained the same, with inserts on the sides highlighting the waffle design jacket.
  • Women's combination jacket white, sand and fruit
    This sporty women's compression jacket satisfies with its functional shape - but above all with its feminine appeal. The sleeves, shoulders and hood are designed with a colourful allover print with wide lines and natural shapes. The rest of the body remains monochromatic. Wearing comfort is provided by a large hood with an elastic cord and stops, as well as a zipper from the fake pocket to the collar with a contrasting zipper. A Velcro flap awaits from below and across the chest. Thanks to the elastic drawstring and stopper, the hem can be fitted precisely, which is complemented by elastic cuffs. The design is complemented by two side pockets. The trendy women's jacket is made of polyester and is lined with taffeta. The cut is regular.
  • Women's quilted jacket Starter Logo white
    A fashionable down jacket for ladies with a distinctive Starter logo and a short cut that exudes authentic urban fashion.On the back of the stand-up collar is the famous Starter lettering. The smaller logo is located on the chest and as an embroidery on the sleeve. Quilting adds structure to the padded women's jacket. Two practical zip pockets and a regular cut complement the jacket.
  • Brown fur vest with pockets
    Brown fur vest with pockets . Product code: AT-KZ-2375.00PDominant pattern: no patternStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing size S/M. Measurements: height 173 cm, breasts 89 cm, waist 65 cm, hips 91 cm. Dimensions of the vest in size S/M measured flat: width under the arms - 45 cm, total length - 73 cm
  • Bianco Lucci Дамски двоен джоб Cachet яке
    Размерите на модела са: Височина: 175, Гърди: 88, Талия: 62, Ханш: 90. Размерът на манекена е размер S/36/1. Продукт Плат 100% Памук. Цветовете могат да варират в студийните снимки поради разликата в светлината.
  • Women's vest Under Armour
    Women's vest by Under Armour.<br />- UA Storm technology repels water without compromising breathability<br />- Allied 600 duck down insulation provides extreme warmth and comes from ethical sources that can be traced with a tag<br />- Lightweight fabric provides excellent comfort and durability<br />- Secure zippered pockets on your hands
  • Women's black vest made of eco-fur
    Women's black vest made of eco-fur . Product code: AT-KZ-2375.00PDominant pattern: no patternStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing size S/M. Measurements: height 173 cm, breasts 89 cm, waist 65 cm, hips 91 cm. Dimensions of the vest in size S/M measured flat: width under the arms - 45 cm, total length - 73 cm
  • Alife and Kickin RITAAK A Moonless Jacket
    Women's long winter jacket with spacious front pockets. The insulated hood and high collar will protect you from wind and bad weather in winter. The high-quality upper material is perfect for long walks outdoors, while the ultra-light warm filling and plush lining ensure maximum comfort.hoodhigh collarwide zipperspullers for easier handling of zippersgeometric stitchingPrecise designHigh-quality material
  • Navy blue women's vest Nano Bodywarmer Russell
    Versatile women's vest Nano Bodywarmer RussellWomen's versatile high collared tank top with chin solon and inner flap to protect against wind. It has an adjustable bottom with a contrasting bungee cord and zippers and lining.Ideal for autumn and winter. It has a high-quality eco-efficient Dupont™ Sorona® filling and a DWR coating coated with Aquapel™ impregnation from Nanotex®. On the inside, left side at chest level discreet access to decoration.Composition: 100% polyesterWeight: 66g
  • Single-breasted jacket
    100% cottonA women's navy blue denim jacket is an absolute must-have in your wardrobe. Made of high-quality cotton, it guarantees wearing comfort and durability. Its simple single-breasted cut and lapels add chic and elegance. The patternless and smooth surface makes it a perfect choice for both everyday and business use. Long sleeves and buttons add charm and give it a professional character. Equipped with practical pockets, it allows you to store small items. This jacket goes perfectly with jeans, a skirt or even a dress, giving any style a unique character. So don't hesitate and add this amazing product to your collection today!
  • Single breasted jacket with 3/4 sleeves
    95% POLYESTER, 5% ELASTANE The women's brown jacket is the perfect choice for women who value elegance and a stylish look. Made of high-quality polyester, it ensures durability and wearing comfort. The single-breasted cut makes the jacket look very elegant, and the smooth fabric without a pattern gives it a timeless character. Ruffled sleeves give the jacket a unique look, giving it softness and femininity. Plus, the 3/4 sleeve is the perfect choice for warmer days. The pockets located on the front are practical and add a touch of casual style to the jacket. The jacket is the perfect choice for both everyday wear and special occasions. It can be worn with an elegant skirt or trousers to create a stylish ensemble for evening outings. At the same time, it also goes well with jeans and a T-shirt and gives a casual look a unique character.The jacket will certainly underline the individual style of each woman and give her self-confidence. Regardless of the occasion, it will be an excellent choice for those who appreciate elegance and high quality workmanship.
  • Women's jacket ALPINE PRO
    Women's winter jacket by ALPINE PRO.<br />- made of functional water-repellent and windproof material<br />- special Teflon EcoElite™ treatment<br />- thick warm filling, hood and 2 pockets with zippers, longer pulls on zippers<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 100% polyester
  • Happiness İstanbul Women's Navy Blue Wide Pocket Bomber Jacket
    100% Polyester; Padded, Snap Buttons, Fake Pocket Covers, Side Pockets, Lining, Elastic Sleeves, Bomber Jacket.; Colors May Vary Due to Light Differences in Studio Shoots.; Product Length:52cm - Sleeve Length:63cm; Height: 1.73 cm, Chest: 79 cm Waist: 60 cm Hip: 90 cm
  • Дамско яке Yups Winter
    Дамско яке Yups Winter<br />- Идеален за носене на открито<br />- Предлага се в няколко размера и цвята<br />- Закопчаване с цип<br /><br />Материал: 100% полиестер
  • Дамско яке. Happiness İstanbul Basic
    Дамско яке Happiness İstanbul Basic<br />- Перфектно за ежедневно носене<br />- Предлага се в различни размери<br /><br />Материал: 100% полиестер
  • Рокси Ели Дамско зимно яке - жени
    Модел: Ellie<br />Цвят: черен<br />Тип: зима, ватиран<br />Кройка: редовна кройка<br />Деколте: с яка<br />Ръкав: long<br />Закопчаване: цип покрит с външна капачка<br />Качулка: прибираща се<br />Материал: 100% полиестер
  • Дамско яке. DStreet Dabis
    Дамско яке DStreet Dabis<br />- Перфектно за носене на открито<br />- Предлага се в различни размери<br />- Закопчава се с цип<br /><br />Размери на модела: Ханш: 85 см. Талия: 68 см. Бюст: 87 см. Височина: 172 см. Размер на обувките: 39<br />Моделът е облечен с размер S.<br /><br />Материал: 100% полиестер.
  • Дамско палто. Moodo Beige
    Дамско палто Moodo Beige<br />- Перфектно за носене на открито<br />- Предлага се в различни размери<br /><br />Материал: 100% полиестер
  • Дамско яке Volcano
    Дамско яке Volcano Vienna.<br />- идеален за носене на открито<br />- предлага се в няколко размера<br /><br />Материал: 100% полиестер
  • Дамски елек. DStreet Aras
    <p data-placeholder="Prevod" dir="ltr">Дамски елек DStreet Aras<br />- Перфектен за носене на открито<br />- Предлага се в различни размери</p><p data-placeholder="Prevod" dir="ltr">Размери на модела: Ханш: 85 см. Талия: 68 см. Бюст: 87 см. Височина: 172 см. Размер на обувките: 39<br />Моделът е облечен с размер S.</p><p data-placeholder="Prevod" dir="ltr"><strong>Материал</strong>: 100% полиестер</p>
  • Trendyol черна изкуствена кожа извънгабаритни джоб подробни тъкани яке
    Размери на модела: височина: 180cm (7'0"), бюст: 83cm (32in), талия: 63cm (24in), ханш: 92cm (36in); Продуктът на модела е размер S/36.; 100% полиуретан, тъкан; Код на комбинацията: TWOAW22ET0572; Подплатата е 100% полиестер; За размер 36, дължината на гърба е 72 см;
  • Under Armour UA OutRun the Storm Яке Sin
    UA OutRun the Storm Яке - Under Armour - Sin. Леки якета
  • Orsay Яке Sin
    Яке - Orsay - Sin. Дънкови якета
  • Lewro DEVON Капитонирано яке за момичета, розово, размер
    Капитонираното яке за момичета Lewro DEVON е идеален избор за носене по време на училище и на къси излети. Модерната му капитонирана форма, качулка и пълнежа гарантират отлична защита през зимните дни.
  • Яке Y-3 Flight Jacket UNISEX Black M
    Яке Y-3 Flight Jacket UNISEX Black M можете да намерите във Footshop само за 1179 BGN. Марка: Y-3, Цвят: Black, Достъпни размери: M
  • Gamstel Woman's Coat Agata
    Description:A short, slightly insulated and comfortable coat that will make you stand out from the crowd and also make you feel extremely comfortable.Washing instructions: 30°C Machine wash
  • Gamstel Woman's Coat Sandra 2
    Description:Quilted, Double-breasted quilted coat. Super lightweight, warm and comfortable with extravagant sleeves. Can be worn loose or to accentuate the waist tie it at the waist.Washing instructions: 30°C Machine wash
  • Trendyol Anthracite Premium Striped Rose Detailed Blazer Jacket
    Model Information: Model Measurements: Height: 175cm(5'9') Chest 86cm(33in) Waist: 62cm(24in) Hip: 89cm(35n); The product on the model is size S/36/8.; ; Material Component: 63% Polyester,35% Viscose,2% Elastane ; Fabric Type: Woven ; Model Front Length: 72.0 cm ; For longer use of your product and proper care of your product, please follow the washing instructions below. ; Colors may vary due to light differences in studio shots.
  • Trendyol Black Regular Fit Waist Gather Detail Für Collar Quilted Puffer Coat
    Model Information: Model Measurements: Height: 174cm(5'9') Chest 80cm(31in) Waist: 61cm(24in) Hip: 92cm(36n); The product on the model is size S/36/8.; ; Material Component: 100% Polyamide ; Fabric Type: Woven ; Model Front Length: 62.0 cm ;Our product has a normal regular fit. It is a standard cut that provides comfortable movement and does not hug the body. ;P roduct is 100% Polyester lined. ;In order to use your product for a longer time and to properly care for your product, please follow the washing instructions below. ; Colors may vary due to light differences in studio shots.

Последно видяно

Якета за дами - Носим якета в различни случаи, когато времето е по-студено или когато температурните разлики между деня и нощта са по-големи, затова се нуждаем от допълнителна вечерна дреха, когато правим някои дейности на открито, които изискват допълнителна защита, но и когато искаме да адаптираме комбинацията от дрехи към нашия тип тяло, може би да скрием някои недостатъци, да не се виждат ръцете и други подобни. Разбира се, якетата са страхотни, за да подредят комбинацията от дрехи и те често се носят само като стилен аксесоар. Якетата са с различни размери. Имаме дълги якета до под бедрата, класически якета до бедра, къси якета още наречени „изрязани“, които са до талията или дори малко по-горе, а има и специални якета за бременни жени, по-дебели хора, якета за мотоциклисти и т.н. Якетата могат да бъдат изработени от различни материали. Обикновено през пролетта и лятото носим якета, изработени от по-леки и проветриви материали, докато през зимата или на ветровито време се носят по-дебели якета или водоустойчиви якета за дъждовно време. Вероятно най-популярни са кожените и деним якета. Те никога не излизат от мода и могат много добре да се съчетаят с повечето дрехи, които носим през деня или вечерта. Кожените и деним якета се предлагат в различни модели и дизайни, от които можете да изберете според вашия стил, вкус и вид фигура. При избора на правилното яке трябва да се обърне внимание на модела. Изберете моделът, който ней-добре отива на вашата фигура, а не онзи който е модерен този сезон. Също така, уверете се, че материалът е с добро качество, за да може якето да потрае по-дълго.

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