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Модни марки

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  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Snorkel Flippers Training Pattern 26
    Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Snorkel Flippers Training Pattern 38
    Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.
  • Coccine Thermo Technical Sport Line Comfort insoles
    COCCINE Sport Line 4you + 1 was created to help the human body in the pursuit of sporting successes. Model FOOTBALL for kicking the ball. This insole has been designed for comfort and protection during specific footwork and avoiding injuries. In the front part, two dense foams were used to minimize the load on the foot against the surface. SPORT LINE 4you + 1 series are thermo-technical inserts, with innovative technology of joining materials, so as to ensure better performance and comfort of physically active people. You can find more details in the pictures presenting the detailed description of the inserts. MODEL COMFORT is an insole for relaxation of feet after physical activity. Recommended for rates with health problems, including sensitive feet. Coating polyester fabric, ensures durability and dryness during its use. VISCO PIANKA, VISCO LATEKS and BREATHING FOAM - creates the material "memory" super soft - wraps the foot, naturally taking over its shape. Available sizes: 35-36, 37-38, 39-40, 41- 42, 43-44, 45-46. The pack contains 2 inserts, left and right.
  • Corbby LEDER LATEX Skórzane wkładki przeciwpotne
    Dwuwarstwowe wkładki wykonane ze skóry naturalnej oraz pianki lateksowej. Wyściełają dokładnie dno butów, zabezpieczając stopy przed poślizgiem i powstawaniem odparzeń. Pianka lateksowa zawiera włókno wzbogacone aktywnym węglem, który znakomicie i długotrwale pochłania wszelkie nieprzyjemne zapachy. Równoważy naciski na podeszwę, gwarantując komfort i wygodę podczas chodzenia. Ten rodzaj wkładek polecamy do każdego rodzaju obuwia. Ich grubość pozwala na zastosowanie nawet do dopasowanych butów.Materiał: warstwa wierzchnia - skóra naturalna, warstwa dolna - pianka lateksowa z węglem aktywnym. W przypadku zawilgocenia wyjmij i wysusz w temperaturze pokojowej.Dla zachowania właściwej higieny wkładek, warto wymienić je co 6-8 tygodni. Rozmiary wkładek podwójne: 35/36, 37/38, 39/40, 41/42, 43/44, 45/46. Opakowanie zawiera dwie wkładki (lewą i prawą). Możliwość delikatnego docięcia wkładek na długość i szerokość.
  • Corbby MASAGER - prophylactic insoles
    Two-layer inserts for foot massage, made of latex foam covered with cotton fabric. The ball surface massages the feet, relieves tension in the legs and significantly improves their circulation. It cushions, prevents micro-shocks and guarantees comfort and convenience for the feet. To ensure freshness and a pleasant scent in the shoes used, the insoles are impregnated with a fresh scent that suppresses unpleasant odors for a long time. Recommended especially when the feet are heavy and tired. Suitable for overweight, standing work or when shoes come into contact with a thin sole with a hard base. This type of insole is recommended for all types of full shoes.MATERIAL: top layer - cotton fabric, bottom layer - latex foam with aroma.HOW TO USE: Place the insoles in the shoes with a layer of fabric facing the foot. In case of moisture, remove and dry at room temperature. To maintain good hygiene, change the pads every 6-8 weeks.
  • Corbby Fresh Day Year-round Sanitary Liners 3 Pairs
    Fresh day are thin, perfumed insoles. Made of microfibers that absorb moisture and keep feet dry. Refreshing scents reduce the formation of unpleasant foot odors and ensure good hygiene every day. A layer of non-slip material prevents the insoles from moving in the shoes while walking. They're thin and soft to the touch, so you'll want to wear them all day, even on bare feet. The insoles are ideal for any type of covered footwear.Material: top layer - microfiber with orange scent, bottom layer - anti-slip layer.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Snorkel Flippers Training Pattern 07
    Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Snorkel Flippers Training Navy Blue Pattern 11
    Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Flippers Reco Navy Blue
    Description:Recycled silicone, which was obtained from post-production waste, was partially used to produce the fins. Short training fins made of the highest quality soft, very flexible plastic. They are perfect for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their design, they allow leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting at the wellingtons, in addition to ensuring the high durability of the fins, direct water along the blades while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements, providing greater driving force, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing you to increase the strength and endurance of the leg muscles. Aquaspeed training fins are perfect for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to practice swimming recreationally at the pool.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Flippers Reco
    Description:Recycled silicone, which was obtained from post-production waste, was partially used to produce the fins. Short training fins made of the highest quality soft, very flexible plastic. They are perfect for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their design, they allow leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting at the wellingtons, in addition to ensuring the high durability of the fins, direct water along the blades while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements, providing greater driving force, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing you to increase the strength and endurance of the leg muscles. Aquaspeed training fins are perfect for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to practice swimming recreationally at the pool.
  • Corbby FILC | Filcowe Wkładki Antypoślizgowe Ocieplające
    Dwuwarstwowe wkładki ocieplające wykonane z wysokogatunkowej włókniny oraz gumowe warstwy antypoślizgowej. Włóknina filcowa, dzięki swoim właściwościom termoizolacyjnym, chroni stopy przed zimnem, zapewnia im właściwą temperaturę, miękkość oraz wygodę. Pokryta gumowymi wypustkami dolna część wkładek zabezpiecza je przed przesuwaniem się w obuwiu, a także równoważy naciski na podeszwę zapewniając komfort podczas chodzenia. Ten rodzaj wkładek polecamy przede wszystkim do obuwia jesienno-zimowego.Opakowanie zawiera dwie wkładki (lewą i prawą), warto wybrać o jeden rozmiar większe celu lepszego dopasowania wkładek do butów, wkładki z możliwością docięcia. Rozmiarówka podwójna, to wybor: 35/6, 37/38, 39/40, 41/42, 43/44, 45/46
  • Corbby KOKOS FROTTE Całoroczne Wkładki do butów
    Dwuwarstwowe, całoroczne wkładki uniwersalne wykonane z naturalnego, sprasowanego włókna kokosowego pokrytego warstwą przewiewnej tkaniny bawełnianej typu frotte, która idealnie pochłania pot, transportując go w głąb wkładek. Włókno kokosowe dzięki swoim doskonałym właściwościom absorpcyjnym wyraźnie redukuje potliwość stóp, co z kolei zapobiega otarciom i odparzeniom, pozwalając zachować stopy w doskonałej kondycji. Wkładki doskonale na każdą pogodę, dzięki grubości ok. 5 mm, wkładki idealnie przylegają do stopy, dodają komfortu i zapewniają dodatkową amortyzację.Dla zachowania właściwej higieny wkładek, warto wymienić je co 6-8 tygodni. Rozmiary wkładek podwójne: 35/36, 37/38, 39/40, 41/42, 43/44, 45/46. Opakowanie zawiera dwie wkładki (lewą i prawą).
  • Corbby LEDER STICK Skórzane wkładki, wklejki do butów
    Cienkie i delikatne, jednowarstwowe wkładki wykonane ze skóry naturalnej zabezpieczają i odświeżają zniszczoną wyściółkę buta. Skóra naturalna odprowadza nadmiar wilgoci, zapewniając stopom świeżości i poczucie komfortu. Idealnie przylegają do wnętrza obuwia zabezpieczając stopę przed poślizgiem podczas chodzenia. Polecane do każdego rodzaju obuwia. Doskonałe do dopasowanego obuwia, ze względu na swoją grubość, wkładki samoprzylepne.Dla zachowania właściwej higieny wkładek, warto wymienić je co 6-8 tygodni. Rozmiary wkładek podwójne: 35/36, 37/38, 39/40, 41/42, 43/44, 45/46. Opakowanie zawiera dwie wkładki (lewą i prawą). Możliwość delikatnego docięcia wkładek na długość i szerokość.

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